Upgraded Drag-and-Drop Makes Editing Easier!
πŸš€ SlashPage Just Got More Convenient with Upgraded Drag-and-Drop
We've improved our Drag-and-Drop feature. Adjust the hierarchy between pages & channels, move content blocks to different pages, and even move posts to different channels with a single click.
This is how we've made things easier for you
Adjust the hierarchy between pages/channels in the sidebar
You can now easily change the hierarchy between sub-pages or channels by dragging and dropping them in the sidebar. Want to switch up the order of pages or channels? There’s no need to go to the parent page anymore; simply grab and move them in the sidebar.
Move a block to different pages
You can drag and drop blocks of content to other pages and channels. Now you can easily move blocks of text, images, videos, and more to wherever you want.
Move posts between Blog, Feed, and Gallery
Want to move a post published as a Blog type to Feed? Or maybe you’ve uploaded pictures to your Feed and now think, "Hmm, these might be better in a Gallery 🧐"? Now you don't have to rewrite the same thing on a different channel anymore. With the upgraded Drag-and-Drop, you can move posts between Blog, Feed, and Gallery. When you want to reorganize content in a new structure, just drag and drop!
Please Note
When moving posts, notifications may be sent out according to each channel's "send notification" settings. Please check the notification settings in each channel to ensure they are set as desired before moving your posts!

Here's how you check Notification settings πŸ‘‡
You can now transfer ownership of your site!
Have you ever had a website admin change and needed to change the owner of a website? Now you can transfer the ownership of your site to a member with the Transfer Ownership feature. There are 2 ways to transfer ownership Site permissions only Selecting "Site permissions only" changes you to a member with "Can post / comment" permissions and transfers ownership of the site to the member you choose. In this case, the only thing that changes is the owner of the site. Including your activities Selecting "Including your activities" changes not only the owner of the site, but also the existing owner's posts, comments, reactions and direct messages to the member you choose. Example: When A (the site's owner) transfers ownership of the site to B (a member), if A selects "Including your activities", all posts, direct messages, comments, and reactions that A created within the site will be changed to B's after the ownership transfer. Note: The ownership transfer is completed when the person taking over ownership accepts the request in the notification menu. What's the difference between owners and members who can manage? Site owners are now visible in the Members menu. Let me briefly explain the difference between site owners and members with "Can manage" permissions. Site owners can manage site settings such as Search engine optimization (SEO), duplication permissions, and site name, while members with 'can manage' permissions can only modify the visibility setting and manage internal activities such as members, subscribers, and posts published in the site. Thanks to @realworld for suggesting the ownership transfer feature! πŸ‘ Features You can now set a background color of a block. When setting the background or text color of a block, you can now quickly apply 'Last used' colors via a shortcut (Mac: cmd+shift+C / Windows: ctrl+shift+C). Bug fixes Fixed an issue that channel posts would disappear when editing or saving them. Fixed an issue that the feature preview window would close. Fixed an issue that site notifications would not turn back on after being turned off. Fixed an issue that only one column would be added when adding a column block. Removed an action that would automatically resize tables. [Beta] Fixed an issue in the survey channel that it was not possible to edit the options for 'Select' questions.
Check out the Feature Preview to see what's available!
πŸ’‘ Now, you can preview feature descriptions and examples before adding blocks! We've added a window where you can see a functional description and example of a block before adding it to your site. Check out the feature preview by clicking the Add button in the toolbar on the top or the + button on the left of a block. If there's a feature you're looking for, you can πŸ” search for it in the preview window. Scroll through the list of blocks on the left to see what's available. If you look carefully, you might find something that makes you go, "Huh? I didn't know this, this looks great!" Once you've found a feature you want, you can add it to your site by clicking + on the list, + Add button at the bottom right, or Enter on your keyboard.
Create a 'Feed' Type Community: Where Multiple Users Can Post Together!
πŸ™Œ We've improved the Feed Channel for Better Communication Simply type / and select Add Channel β†’ Feed to create a space like Twitter or Facebook feeds, as shown in the animation below. Feed encourages members to post more often Feed channel defaults to short, untitled posts, so it allows members to post with much less effort. Why not let them know they can instantly share news or thoughts whenever they want? People can access information faster with Feed Users can quickly scroll through the content, and react and comment by clicking buttons at the bottom of each post. Preview the Latest Posts with Inline Type You can set up your channel in Inline type to show only the most recent posts like below. Once you've set up your feed type community, it's time to invite people to join! Learn how to invite members with different permissions