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Google SEO: 3 Essential Elements for Beginners
In the previous article, we covered how to prepare your website to appear in search results. Now, it’s time to create content that will perform well! Here’s a 3-step guide to help you get your content noticed by your target audience in Google search results. Don’t miss the extra content writing tips at the end!
1. Use your audience's relevant keywords and get more visibility
Even if your keyword is highly relevant to your topic, if it's not frequently searched, the chance of your content being seen is slim. Popular keywords, however, tend to have high competition, making it hard to rank high. To target your audience more effectively, choose keywords based on search volume and competition.
Finding the right keywords
Start by selecting a main keyword that encapsulates your new content or entire service. Search for your main keyword in Twinword Ideas, a popular free keyword analysis service, and then find related subkeywords that you should target (Note: Twinword’s free version has daily search limits.)
The simplest approach is to select keywords with a search volume of at least 100 and relatively low competition. Keywords with a monthly average search volume of over 100 are considered meaningful.
Source: Twinword Ideas(
If you're not sure what topic to cover, these questions can help you come up with something. For example, for SlashPage:
Who would use SlashPage, with what job and interests?
When and in what situations would that person need SlashPage?
What would that person want to know if they used a SlashPage?
Apply keywords throughout your site, not just in your content
Use keywords in the title, body content, image names, link previews, and URLs. (Be careful not to repeat the same keyword too often in a piece of content, as search engines may think it's spammy.) SlashPage allows you to preview how your site will appear in search results and edit link previews in the SEO settings menu.
Why should I rename my images?
Google identifies image content through its file name and the surrounding content. Instead of generic names like image1.jpg, pic.gif, 1.jpg, use descriptive ones like my-new-black-kitten.jpg or pizza.jpg.
2. Add Internal Links to Enhance Crawling Efficiency
The more you link to other content on your site, the quicker crawlers can index a larger portion of your website. Typeform used this strategy of adding internal links to each piece of content and saw a significant increase in traffic, as shown in the graph below.
Typeform's organic traffic graph
Add a section of related content
At the bottom of your content, link to other related articles. These links can be inserted directly into the text, like ‘SEO Guide’, or they can be buttons, link blocks, or images, like the ones below.
Link block
5 Steps to Increase Traffic
to My Site with SlashPage SEO
Add internal links in menus, sidebars, and footers
Adding links to permanently visible areas like menus and footers improves visibility. On SlashPage, the top menu and sidebar automatically include links to all pages and channels, so you don’t have to add them manually. We're also working on a footer feature so you can have a variety of links across all your pages.
3. Build high-quality backlinks to earn search engine credibility
Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your content. If those websites are credible and relevant to your topic, Google is more likely to trust your content and rank it higher in search results.
Source: LinkedIn
The basic way to build backlinks is by sharing links on your official social media channels, communities, or knowledge-sharing platforms, etc. But before you do that, we suggest you create content that people will find valuable or of such high quality that they'll want to share it voluntarily!
We can help you get backlinks!
While it’s possible to ask high-authority websites to link to your content, it’s not always easy. If you’ve created great content, let us know in the comments or contact us! We’ll share it on SlashPage’s social media channels.
Creating shareable content
Leverage your service features, data, or experiences to create content. For instance, design service Invision provided a link for users to share their prototypes made with Invision. Thanks to users posting these links on popular sites like Adobe, Dribbble, and Hubspot, Invision gained many valuable backlinks.
For recruitment services: Create a simple report on recent hiring trends at companies.
For website builders: Collect and share popular templates by category.
Compile frequently referenced information into a single piece of content. For example, marketers could share successful marketing projects and tips that have worked well for you, designers could highlight your favorite reference sites, and startup founders could share services that help you run a small business and why.
Add a share button
At the bottom of your content, add a link copy button like the one below to make it easy for others to share on social media or with teammates.
+Content creation tip: Analyze top search results
Search for the keywords you’ve chosen and analyze the top-ranking content. By reviewing the titles, structure, and common elements of these high-ranking articles, you’ll get a sense of what works.
Use a similar content structure
For example, Typeform found a common structure in top-ranking results for certain keywords: defining question types → explanation → examples. They adjusted their content accordingly and saw a quick improvement in ranking.
Update content with the latest info and add year in title
Google favors up-to-date information for popular or time-sensitive keywords. Keep your old content updated with new details and re-upload it, adding the year in the title to indicate it's fresh.
If you've followed these three steps and our writing tips, you're well on your way to doing the basics for SEO! Keep applying these methods to new content, and over time, they’ll become even more effective.
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5 Steps to Increase Your Site Traffic with SlashPage SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to activities aimed at improving your website's ranking in search results, as illustrated above. Search engines like Google use 'crawlers' to gather information from websites (a process known as crawling) and assess their relevance for search results. SlashPage offers various features to enhance SEO for your site. Ensure that you apply these to your website. 1. Automatic registration with search tools upon site creation For your site to appear in search results, its URL must first be registered with search engine tools. With SlashPage, simply creating your site automatically registers it with search tools like Google Search Console. 2. One-click automatic daily sitemap submission Submitting your sitemap—a file that includes details about your site's pages, media, and files—to search tools makes it easier for crawlers to locate your site. Just turn on the Share to search engines option and your sitemap will be automatically submitted to each search tool every 24 hours, except for private pages and channels. When will my site start appearing in search results? Each search engine has its own algorithm that determines ranking based on content quality, loading speed, and more. Since these algorithms are not publicly disclosed, it is difficult to predict the exact timing. According to Google’s SEO guide, it’s generally recommended to wait a few weeks. If your site appears in search results when you search for (keyword) + on Google, it means the crawler is indexing it properly, so please be patient! 3. Input summary data to appear in more relevant search results Crawlers review summary data (title, description, image) before the main content of your site. This acts like a promotional message, convincing searchers that your site has the information they are looking for, so it’s important to manually update these fields. For each sub-page, channel, and channel post, list your main keywords and images in the Preview. The summary data is automatically filled in with the page title, the first part of the body text, and a representative image. However, it’s advisable to edit it yourself, as the automatically generated content may not fully capture the intended details. Google’s SEO guide recommendations for writing the 'description' part of summary data
Want more customization for your Notion website?
How do you like the newly updated 'Notion Sites'? It's definitely useful for those who have embedded various external services. However, as a free plan user, I found many features locked behind the PLUS plan, which was a bit disappointing. 🥲 I also wished for more customization options. Actually, those features were already available in SlashPage (and for free!). Let's compare creating a website with Notion and SlashPage. If you found the recent Notion update a little disappointing , you'll find it easier and more customizable to make a website with SlashPage. One-click 'Publish' button Previously, it was a rather complicated to publish to the web. But now you can publish to the web and be found by search engines with a single click. Publish as soon as you create What's easier than clicking a button? Not having to click a button at all. New sites are created to be publicly accessible by default. Light and Dark theme Plus plan users can choose from System and Dark theme in addition to the Light theme.
How to collect feedback from early users and improve user satisfaction
Prioritize feedback and actively communicate Even after a year, we're still excited every time we get a new user. We've always wanted to address their needs and keep them engaged with our service. To achieve this, we prioritize customer feedback and active communication. As a result, many users have become more engaged and consistently shared their opinions. Here are the three main points we focused on: ✅ Setting up an efficient feedback system ✅ Quickly identifying recurring feedback and prioritizing it for development ✅ Building user trust with continuous updates Choose the right communication tools to improve user satisfaction So how do we communicate effectively? Typically, email or request(feedback) form is the most popular choice. They're easy to set up and familiar to users. Over time, however, it's getting harder to efficiently manage all inquiries, especially when similar questions keep coming in. E-mails can get lost in the shuffle of other messages, making it difficult to respond quickly. It can also be cumbersome to notify a large number of users of new updates via email. These problems can be easily solved with SlashPage! You can create a unique community for your service without a developer where you can add chat channels like bug reports, feature requests, etc. This helps you quickly identify recurrent bugs or frequently requested features. This improves usability, helps set development priorities, and increases user satisfaction! You can have unlimited channels and posts, and you can customize the logo, text, and background colors to match your service’s branding. Are you concerned about making the feedback channel public? We recommend being transparent. This helps users search for similar questions and solutions. New users can see previous answers and see that you are actively communicating with your audience. If you need to collect sensitive information such as personal information, try DM (direct message). From user surveys to beta-tester applications, check out SlashPage's built-in Form feature.