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Let Visitors Filter by Categories in Galleries, Lists, Tables, and Kanban Boards
Make it easier for visitors to find what they need faster, whether it's a portfolio gallery, a job board organized by roles, or a community post list with lots of content. Tip. Don’t want categories to show on your channel’s home? Switch to edit mode, click the Field in the top-right corner of the content list, and toggle the category visibility with the eye icon.
  1. What's New
Easily Copy and Paste Text Styles like Font Size, Color, and Weight to Other Texts!
When writing similar content multiple times, like service features, pricing plans, or team member introductions, you don’t have to manually apply the styles every time. Now, you can copy and paste text styles separately! 🪄✨ Text Styles: Animation, Font, Line Spacing, Size, Color, Weight, Alignment Try the keyboard shortcuts! Copy styles: Cmd(Ctrl) + Option(Alt) + C Paste styles: Cmd(Ctrl) + Option(Alt) + V
  1. What's New
Confused About Members, Permissions, and Invitations? Let’s Clear It Up!
We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions about members, permissions, and channel visibility, including the difference between editors and writers. Let’s break it all down! Q: How are Members different from Subscribers? Both receive notifications for new posts, but here’s how they differ: Members Subscribers Info visible to admins Nickname, email, last visit date Nickname, subscription date, last visit date Access to private channels/pages Possible if invited Not possible (can only view public channels/pages) Permission types Administrator, Editor, Writer, Viewer None How to add Invited by site admin Clicks subscribe button themselves Members have different roles with varying levels of permissions, such as Admin, Editor, Writer, and Viewer. Click here and check out more details!
  1. Tip
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