BD-Oligo demonstrates a dynamic oligomer-monitoring ability during Aβ peptide fibrillogenesis, as Aβ was induced to form oligomers and eventually fibrils over time. More importantly, BD-Oligo also shows BBB penetration with capabilities of staining Aβ oligomers in vivo.
■ Cell Image
Ex vivo binding of BD-Oligo in 18 month old AD mouse brains. a, b and c show fluorescence in the APP/PS1 mouse brain injected with BD-Oligo using the channel for 6E10/4G8 labeling, BD-Oligo labeling and the merged image, respectively. BD-Oligo fluorescence was present in the brain 24 h after an I.P. injection of BD-Oligo (see b), which co-localized with the Aβ labeling (see c). Arrows indicate plaques with co-localization. d, e and f show fluorescence in the APP/PS1 mouse brain injected saline alone using the channel for 6E10/4G8 labeling, BD-Oligo labeling and the merged image, respectively. There are no plaques seen in the BD-Oligo channel in the control saline injected mice, indicating the specificity of the BD-Oligo oligomer labeling. Scale bar, 100µm.
■ Related probes: CDnir7Known Property Ab oligomer probe ■ Application Immunofluorescence ■ Cell selectivity mechanism unknown
■ Known Property Ab oligomer probe ■ Application Immunofluorescence ■ Cell selectivity mechanism unknown
■ Reference
A chemical fluorescent probe for the detection of Aß oligomers, Teoh, C. L.; Su, D. D.; Sahu, S.; Yun, S. W.; Drummond, E.; Prelli, F.; Lim, S.; Cho, S.; Ham, S.; Wisniewski, T.; Chang, Y. T. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, available online