Will all startups fail every time ChatGPT is updated? (The future of AI applications)
  1. AI시장
It is the era of AI. So-called 'AI Wrapper' services are pouring out every day. At the same time, there are concerns that AI is a bubble, that companies without their own models will be at risk whenever ChatGPT is updated, and that the cost of the LLM model is too expensive to survive on its own.
So, are companies that have their own models or research technologies like VectorDB safer? In fact, model developers have been in crisis more quickly in the past few years. Specialized models in certain fields have become useless due to the emergence of large models, and fine-tuning and VectorDB technologies are losing ground with each update of large models.
At the same time, all big tech companies with capital can build huge models. OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta, Google, etc. are competing fiercely, and the cost of models is rapidly decreasing. STT models became free overnight, and LLM models became more than 10 times cheaper in a year.
Companies like Amazon and Salesforce were often asked in the early days of the web, “Aren’t they just DB wrappers?” There was also a lot of talk about what would happen if browser companies did everything.
Products like Notion and Canva didn't grow with any special technology.
In the end, what matters is “who solves the customer’s problem best?” AI application app companies like ours may fail, but it will be because they failed to satisfy the customer, not because of their own technology or high costs. We believe that only focusing on solving customer problems and providing innovative product experiences will create a moat.
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