A summary error occurred!

Multiple Choice Dropdown
  1. Error
Please check the following! If none of the above apply and you are still experiencing an error, please contact Customer Service.
Is this a YouTube video that was uploaded less than a day ago?
In the case of YouTube videos that have been uploaded recently, YouTube may fail to retrieve the subtitles and the summary may not be available. In this case, you can download the video and use 'Upload Video' to receive the summary normally. Or, if you try again after some time has passed, it will work normally.
Is this video without audio data?
For videos that currently do not have audio data, the summary quality may be poor or errors may occur.
Try summarizing the video with audio as the main focus!
Is this a YouTube members-only or private video?
We cannot technically obtain unreleased videos, so they cannot be summarized. Please download the video and use the 'Upload' button to summarize it.
Are you using LilysAI within your company?
If you are using it within a company, the service may not operate properly due to internal network policy. Please contact your company's IT department.
Are you using Whale browser?
LilysAI is currently optimized for the Chrome browser.
If you are using a different browser, such as Whale Browser, you may encounter unexpected errors.