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CGM Log: Day 10
This morning, like usual, I started my day with a workout. On an empty stomach, I focused on chest, shoulders, and triceps. I don't particularly enjoy chest exercises, so I don’t do them often. Plus, since my shoulder muscles are small, it seems like my blood sugar doesn't rise much after working them out. The workout intensity felt quite high (RPE 8).
For breakfast, I kept it simple with a protein shake. My blood sugar went up a bit today, though only slightly.
For a mid-morning snack, I had a salami stick and a protein bar, and I sipped on an iced Americano with three shots of espresso over a fairly long period.
For lunch, I went to Euljiro with some keto friends and had dakdoritang (spicy chicken stew) and chicken salad. The food was quite sweet, and despite not eating rice, my blood sugar spiked significantly. I think it was because I had a lot of the broth.
For dinner, I grilled some beef and prepared it three ways: with salt, teriyaki sauce, and stir-fried with gochujang (Korean chili paste). I enjoyed it with leafy greens and, just like yesterday, a half-serving of rice (150g).
I think having half a serving of rice with a clean meal is fine. However, with a meal like today’s lunch, which wasn’t as clean and was quite sweet, I should probably avoid rice. I’m happy to have collected meaningful data today.
Another day has passed without any issues! Here’s to making it through to day 15!
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CGM Log: Day 13
On weekends, I tend to skip exercising and sleep in. When I lazily woke up and checked my messages, I saw someone’s breakfast: low-carb bread with peanut butter spread on it. When I opened my fridge, I found a tortilla, so I toasted it, spread some peanut butter on it, and feeling like it was missing something, I grilled a sausage and enjoyed it. Can my blood sugar even rise... from a tortilla? For lunch, I had three and a half hamburger steaks simmered in oyster sauce, ketchup, and stevia. My blood sugar plummeted after that. When that happens, my blood sugar monitoring app sends push notifications every five minutes, nagging me that my blood sugar is low. It’s so annoying, I could scream! I’m not going to die, I get it, you stupid app! Of course, I felt totally fine. For a snack, I had an ice cream sandwich. As expected, my blood sugar rose just as much as I anticipated. Since I’ve eaten it before, it wasn’t surprising at all. For dinner, I made bulgogi in a hot pot and added 100g of high-protein noodles, which are made from wheat flour. It was noticeably different from when I used 50g. I realized once again how important portion size is. They say 100g is one serving, but for me, 50g seems like the right amount. Today’s post turned out to be rather ordinary. Nothing new, and honestly, not very exciting. I’ll be back tomorrow with an exciting cheat day story. Wishing you all a good night!
CGM Log: Day 12
Today, I focused on a front-side routine targeting the quadriceps, chest, and shoulders. The main exercise was the barbell pause full squat, and it took much more of a mental toll than a physical one. As expected, technique-focused exercises are mentally exhausting. I dropped the back-off set at RPE 9. After the workout, I had a protein shake mixed with creatine and coffee. My blood sugar didn’t rise much during the workout; could it be related to that? My blood sugar went up by 11 after the protein shake. Then, I was hungry, so I had a snack of salami sticks and iced Americano. My blood sugar rose to 110 later because I ate dumplings. Yes, that’s right. Today's lunch was fried dumplings. I noticed them in the freezer, and I had my eye on them since last night. My blood sugar rose to 122 twice, and it didn’t drop to double digits and stabilize until three hours after eating. For dinner, I had Australian bulgogi from Costco, along with some wrap vegetables. For the sauce, I mixed store-bought gochujang with avocado mayonnaise and stevia. I was so hungry that I ate about 300g of just the bulgogi, but I still feel hungry. I’m not exactly hungry, though; my mouth just keeps craving something. I had a busy week with a lot of external plans, so it must have been a bit exhausting. I’ll take it easy and rest this weekend. Everyone, you’ve worked hard this week!
CGM Log: Day 11
This morning, I didn’t even drink coffee and went straight into an intense backside bodybuilding-style workout. I pushed myself so hard with deadlifts that my heart rate went up to 181. Now that I’m writing this, I notice I’ve got some pretty bad bruises on my legs. I feel proud. After the workout, I went to Starbucks to try the matcha cream frappuccino recipe by the legendary Arnold Hong from the Korean bodybuilding scene. Normally, it’s quite pricey, but thanks to a gift card I received, it wasn’t too bad this time. I’m grateful for the treat. I believe this drink contains maltodextrin, but it surprisingly didn’t spike my blood sugar much. That doesn’t mean it’s safe to drink without concern, though. As far as I know, even Arnold Hong avoids it during his diet periods. Think carefully if you’ve worked out hard enough to justify drinking this! For a snack, I got some fried chicken skin from KFC. Crispy fried chicken skin is always delicious! But perhaps because it has a lot of flour, my blood sugar spiked quite a bit despite not using any sauce. Still, it stayed within double digits. At lunchtime, I had galbi (grilled short ribs) and sashimi along with about 100g of rice in Apgujeong. There was a variety of food on the table, making it a really enjoyable meal! The flavor of the galbi was especially amazing. My blood sugar rose a bit late, but it stayed at 108, and 2 hours and 15 minutes after eating, it was back within the normal range. For dinner, I had mapo tofu with beef sirloin and some rice (about 150g) at home. Since I hadn’t consumed enough protein after my tough morning workout, I was so hungry that I ate about twice my usual amount. And that’s how my day went! How was your day? I don’t have any external plans tomorrow, so I’ll probably have home-cooked meals. Have a great night, everyone!