Best Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh
Why Best New Zealand Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh Are the Top Choice for Students
If you are also dreaming to get your education from one of the Top most university of the world, you need to hire the best New Zealand student visa consultant in the Chandigarh which will guide how New- Zealand would be the right option for to make your dream come true.
Best New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh is for the students who are for the students who want to complete their higher studies from the New Zealand for which the maximum time period is 4 years. However, if you are a distance learner you can also move to New Zealand on student visa and avail all the services as the regular students. Moreover, once you student visa of New-Zealand you are eligible to work as part time for about twenty hours week with your classes but full time during vacation through the Best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh
The documents requirements for a New- Zealand student visa:

Proof of your identity:
In which you need to prove that you belong to a particular country or state.
Proof of evidence:
In which you need to show that you are medically fit, for which you need to provide a chest x-ray or a medical examination.
Proof of a good character:
In this you, need to prove that you are of good character do not have court case on you, to provide this you need to take police verification certificate.
Offer of a place from an educational provider:
In this you need to provide the offer letter which you received from the university which state the name and the duration of the course which you going to pursue in the New- Zealand  including details of the your classes and holidays.
Proof of sufficient funds to pay your tuition fees:
In this you need to show that you have paid the tuition fees of one year of course and if your course is less than 1year you can provide the scholarship certificate from the university.
Medical and travel Insurance:
In this you need to show that you have medical and travel  insurance for the entire time period you are going to stay in the New-Zealand which must be medical care in the New Zealand and travel insurance to and from New-Zealand.
Proof that you are meeting the Academic requirements:
In this if you want to apply for a fee paying student visa you need to provide the previous academic certificates.
Proof that you have enough funds to live in the New-Zealand: 
In this you need show 20,000 to 2500 NZD per year in your account which would be around 12 to 15 lakhs. In addition you need to show the pending tuition fee amount also.
Proof of onward travel ticket:
In this you need to show that you have travel for leaving New Zealand or you have money to buy your air- ticket.
Permission to work:
In this you need to show that you have permission to work part-time or full time during summer holidays for which you need provide your offer letter in which the duration of your holidays is mentioned.
Proof that you are passing your course and attending classes:
In this if your course demands practical work you need to submit the letter which will outline where the practical work is required in the course.
Additional documents required for an exchange student New Zealand visa:
Cover letter: In this you need to provide a cover letter which needs to cover all the required information such as: an outline of your study plans
Your plans after completing your studies
The reason behind you choose the particular course and university
Elaborate the courses which you have completed from your home country
If you have gap in your studies you need to justify the gap by providing gap justification certificate
How you will pay your living and education expenses during your stay in the New Zealand.
Your relationship with the sponsor if you have
Your travel history: In this you need to provide a colored scanned copy of the pages of your current and previous part to show your travel history.
So above we have explained all the information about the documents which you need to require to apply for the New Zealand student visa but to ensure the visa success you need to hire the New Zealand Visa Consultant in Chandigarh which is none other than abroad gateway.
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Fast and Reliable Visa Agents in Chandigarh
In the contemporary world, everything has a cost and one must be ready to pay if they need to have that thing. This holds true in all the cases, be it a product or a service. However, most of us try to save money and choose the options where we do not have to pay if possible and end up paying more and losing a lot in the long run. This sometimes takes us at a place where we have to face disappointments. This is very common in the scenarios where big amount of money is involved like going abroad for any purpose; education, PR, visiting someone or going as a tourist to explore the country. It is suggested that you hire an immigration consultant for this purpose and it is also a known fact that the best ones are present in Chandigarh which is the immigration hub of northern India. When you decide to go to a foreign country for any purpose, you are mentally prepared to shell some money for that but you are always unclear about the consultation fee that you are supposed to pay to your Best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh. This is due to a lot of ambiguity in the immigration market. Many of them offer free service which is just a trap for you, you mustn’t fall into it. You must analyze the reason behind that, why would anyone offer you free services when the main aim of any business or organization is to earn money. Offering free counselling makes sense as till that time they have not started working on the profile but once they start the process for you then it cannot be free, be alert if someone tells you otherwise. The visa consultation fee in Chandigarh falls somewhere around 15 K to 50K as it depends on numerous factors, let us know what they are: Factors Affecting the Consultation Fee: Country of Choice: The visa policies and procedures are usually very complex and intricate for all the countries as they are made keeping in mind the benefits of that country. Navigating through all of them and following each and every rule properly leads a lot of knowledge and experience. The consultant has to be extra careful and extremely alert about each and every step of the process so that the result comes in the client’s favor, which is you. For all the hard work they do, you should pay them a reasonable amount. Apart from this, certain countries have more complicated process as compared to others, in that case the consultant has to work more which leads to increase in the consultation charges. Case Specifications: Along with the country of choice, the consultation fee is based upon the specifications and complications of a case. If you have had a refusal before when you consulted some other firm, it is obvious that the current consultant will charge you more consultation fee while applying for the second time as this time he or she will have to make amendments and remove the flaws of the earlier time so that your visa application gets approved. Type of Visa: Different types of visa like study visa or tourist visa or spouse visa etcetera have different procedures which directly impacts the consultation fee as the preparation for that also differs. Type of Services taken by you: The reputed Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh offer multiple services to their clients so that they do not have to worry about anything. For any additional service that you take, there will be a small charge added to the consultation fee. For example, they have dedicated professionals who are expert SOP writers. They are capable of presenting details in the best way possible. If you want them to do it for you, there will be cost for that. It is not mandatory for you to take additional services but doing so ensures the best work and better chances to get the visa without any hindrances. To conclude, as it is clear now that the different charges you come across for visa consultation is due to the above mentioned reasons, you must get the clarity from your Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh regarding that before starting the process so that there is no confusion later. Also, do not fall for the ones offering everything free of cost because there is no such thing as free lunch.
Your Key to Success at Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh
Dreams and ambitions are pivotal to a successful and enriched life, which is why we are told to dream big since our childhood by parents, teachers and all our elders. Having an aim in life is essential as that is the driving force that makes us achieve many things in life and our dreams are the foundation of our aims. The youth these days is very ambitious and tries to do everything possible to achieve their goals which is highly appreciated. It is observed that in the current time the youngsters in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh are more interested in making their life abroad and for that they prefer using the resources available in the city beautiful Chandigarh, like the IELTS or PTE institutes and the Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh although this does not mean that other parts of the country do not have such facilities. There are immigration consultants in various cities but the quality of work one could get in Chandigarh is exceptional. Here is how the Best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh help you to secure your dream: Picking the Best Option: The student visa consultants in Chandigarh are highly experienced and have extensive knowledge about the countries, universities and the courses which are provided by them. Thus, they are able to pick the best program as per your scores and likings which offer great prospects of employment in future, after completion of the course. They ensure that you utilize your precious time in studying something that will reap benefits and make you a successful professional once you begin your career. For instance; Business, Computer Science, Psychology, Nursing etc. have more scope of employment in future. Making You Eligible: Once the decision regarding the course, university and the country is made, they explain you the eligibility criteria for that and try to assist you to become eligible for that. For example; preparing you to clear the English proficiency tests like IELTS or PTE or others, which is an important prerequisite to apply for a course in a reputed university. Preparing the Documents: it is essential to get the documents prepared in the specified formats so that the application gets accepted. A consultant has a very significant role here as he or she explains and provides the formats and the important information needed in a document. Securing Your Seat: In today’s world there is a very tough competition everywhere and only the one who could outweigh others in every aspect can achieve the goal. The consultants of Chandigarh are efficient in ensuring that you stay ahead in the competition and apply to the university timely to secure a seat for you. As they are aware of the time taken to process the application, they apply keeping that in mind which brings desired result. They are also experienced enough to know about the places which provide letter of enrolment or offer letter in short time period, so if you have delayed the process due to any reason, they can apply accordingly so that you do not miss the intake and waste your valuable time. Applying for Visa: You need to do the formalities and apply for your student visa within a stipulated time after getting the offer letter. The consultants in Chandigarh respect the timelines and submit your visa application without delay. They are expert in presenting your case through the documents to assure approval of the visa. In case of early visa, you also get enough time to prepare for your travel after getting the visa. Following-up: To expedite any process, one is required to do regular follow-ups. In case of student visa application process, following up is a must to make sure things are moving swiftly in the right direction. The Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh stay on their toes to follow up on the progress of the tasks which delivers fast results. In case of any challenge or obstacle, they do as required to move the process forward. They also keep their clients posted regarding the same which strengthens the trust shown by the clients on them. Overall, due to the great work ethics and practical knowledge the reputed Best Visa Agent in Chandigarh are able to guide and support you to fulfill your dreams and achieve your ambitions which obviously hold a very high value in your life. So, without much ado, you should contact the best one to begin your student visa application process to get enrolled for the next intake.
Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh is Your Guide to Success
Study abroad is the dream of many youngsters in the developing nations including India as they are full of talent and zeal to achieve greater heights in their life. This is very warmly supported by many developed nations like the USA, UK, Australia and many others, as a humanitarian gesture. The universities in these nations offer enrolment to the international students based on their previous academic performance ensuring the appropriate utilization of their education for the desired purpose. In the present time, almost all the nations readily allow Indians to come and study in their country and therefore have made convenient rules and regulations for that, however it is still quite complex and students are mostly not able to follow the procedures themselves, hence seek help of the reputed Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh to do everything right. Following are the ways how these visa consultants help their clients in this process: Choosing the Course & Country: The first and most crucial step is to decide what to study and where to study that from, as the future life’s success or failure is dependent on this. The visa consultants in Chandigarh are highly aware about all the reputed universities and the courses they offer in various fields along with their prerequisites, therefore they could come up with the most suitable options for you as per your academic scores and interests. There are multiple factors that you need to look at before you could put your finger on one of them, these include cost of education and living, future prospects of the course, environment of the country and university, facilities to the international students etc. The visa consultants in the city beautiful are extremely knowledgeable regarding all these factors due to their long experience in the immigration industry which makes them the best guide for this. Explaining the Visa Application Process: Knowing a process as crucial as visa application is highly recommended because there are a lot of things at stake here. Understanding the need for it, the consultants in Chandigarh explain the complete student visa application process to their clients in detail including each and every step involved along with the monetary transactions that need to be done from time to time to pay required fees like university fee, visa application fee etc. You can check all that on the embassy’s website too but it will be very difficult to understand it because of the industrial jargons and terminology used to explain the procedures. Documentation: The Paperwork involved in the process is extensive and very specific. Thus, it must be according to the guidelines of the authorities. The efficient consultants know its importance too well and could ensure that they are made in the required format so that there is no rejection due to that. Preparing for English Proficiency Test: All the English speaking countries have made it an important eligibility criteria for the non-native English speakers to submit the evidence of the proficiency in the language, as the medium of education and communication is English in their country. The experienced visa consultants in Chandigarh help their clients to prepare for the English proficiency tests like IELTS, PTE, TOEFL and others so that they can become eligible to apply for the student visa.