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A Hitchhiker's Guide to AI

Mintbear 's [The Hitchhiker's Guide to AI ]
A visual AI travel guide for our hitchhikers who are confused by AI technology .
This is a guide that easily introduces various AI image and AI video technologies.
We tell stories about technology that may seem difficult from
Mint Bear 's perspective.
The era in which a few experts monopolized language is coming to an end.
Images and videos are now becoming part of humanity's everyday language.

The hitchhiker's journey has already begun.
Come on board.
For the original article in the Hitchhiker AI series contributed to the Derbarer newsletter, please see the link here .
A Hitchhiker's Guide to AI: 1️⃣ / 2️⃣ / 3️⃣ / 4️⃣ / 5️⃣ / 6️⃣
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