Maskugatiger a.k.a Cybernetwalker that my name..
About Cybernetwalker

About Cybernetwalker

Biography & Profile Maskugatiger a.k.a Cybernetwalker
Maskugatiger aka Cybernetwalker
Is the Supreme Leader of The Largest Shadow Community in Cyberspace.(The Highest Leader of Global Civil Society Community)Namely the "Global Civil Society Community",
by leading in shadow, thousands of underground communities in cyberspace, and has tens of thousands of members, from Activists, Volunteers, Journalists, Academics, Scholars, Practicants & Experts, Philanthropy, Great Figures in the fields of social, law, humanity & environment, practitioners and religious leaders, Scientists & Doctors, Artists, influencers, Athletes, businessmen & entrepreneurs, farmers, laborers, fishermen and Survivalists, professionals & engineers, underground Revolutionary Struggle Mobs groups, Revolutionary Guards, Millennial & Gen-z Netizen Representatives, Hacktivists & NGOs, and CEOs and leaders from various Circles & Indie Communities in cyberspace. With millions of Sympathizers, Followers & Silent Readers in cyberspace & IRL
Horoscope star: Cancer ♋🦀
Shio: Tiger element Fire 🐅🔥
MBTI: ENTP-T ( The Most Superior MBTI )
Birth Chart : Characteristic - a Superior Leader
Maskugatiger aka Cybernetwalker. Adalah Pemimpin Tertinggi Komunitas Bayangan Terbesar di Dunia Maya. (The Highest Leader of Global Civil Society Community)Yaitu "Global Civil Society Community", dengan mengepalai secara bayangan, ribuan komunitas bawah tanah di dunia maya, dan memiliki puluhan ribu anggota, dari Activist, Relawan, Jurnalist, Akademisi, Cendikiawan, para Practican & Ahli, Philanthropy, Tokoh2 Besar dalam bidang social, hukum, kemanusiaan & lingkungan, Para Praktisi & pemuka agama, Para ilmuwan & Dokter, para Artis, influencer, Atlit, bussinessman & interpreneur, para petani, buruh, nelayan dan Survivalist, para professional & engineer ,para kelompok Mobs Perjuangan Revolusi bawah tanah, Para Garda Revolusi, para Perwakilan Netizen Milenial & Gen-z, Hacktivist & NGO, dan para Ceo serta leader dari berbagai Circle & Komunitas indie di dunia maya. Dengan jutaan simpatisan, follower & silence readers di Dunia maya & IRL.
He has a very great and extraordinary intelligence and supervision ability and has a myriad of brilliant ideas that he pours into each of his writings on social media, he is a careful and accomplished observer & mapper of Global Geo politics, also an expert in various strategy & communication skills. He is able to awaken faith and ignite the spirit of civil society to dare to oppose & fight tyranny & slavery in this end-time era.
Ia memiliki kemampuan intelejensia & supervisi yang sangat hebat & luarbiasa serta memiliki segudang gagasan yang brilliant yang ia banyak tuangkan pada tiap tulisannya di social media, ia adalah pengamat & pemeta Geo political Global yang cermat & ulung, juga ahli dalam berbagai kemampuan strategi & komunikasi. Ia mampu membangunkan iman dan mengobarkan semangat masyarakat sipil untuk berani menentang & melawan tirani & perbudakan di era akhir zaman ini.
The words in his writings are like a sword that can stab sharply and hurt and frighten the enemies of God who spread slander, evil and error. He is a reliable initiator and mobilizer & actor driving various civil society resistance actions in various parts of the world. And he is concerned with paying attention and contributing thoughts and solutions to various social, humanitarian, human rights & justice issues also related to the civil society resistance revolution against Globalists, Cabals and Zionists. Also against their evil NWO agenda and the Beast satanic system that they control throughout the world, and also war against all their minions.
Perkataan pada tulisannya ialah bagai pedang yang dapat menusuk tajam serta melukai dan menakuti para musuh2 Tuhan yang menebar fitnah,kejahatan dan kesesatan. Ia seorang initiator dan mobilasator yg handal & aktor penggerak berbagai macam aksi perlawanan masyarakat sipil di berbagai belahan dunia. Dan ia konsern memperhatikan dan memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dan solusi terhadap berbagai isu sosial, kemanusiaan, hak asasi & keadilan juga terkait revolusi perlawanan masyarakat sipil terhadap Globalist, Cabals dan Zionist. Juga terhadap agenda jahat NWO mereka dan Beast satanic system yang mereka kendalikan di seluruh dunia, dan juga perang terhadap seluruh kaki tangan mereka.
Cybernetwalker has successfully gathered tens of thousands of activists, journalists, and prominent figures, academics and artists as well as influencers and leaders of various community associations in society, to gather and educate and invite them to play an active role in this Global Civil Society Community to fight against the Globalist agenda. Cybernetwalker is the Dark Knight in his life and cyberspace, He is like Batman in real life.
Cybernetwalker berhasil menghimpun puluhan ribu activist,journalist, dan para tokoh besar, akademisi dan juga artis serta influencer dan para pemimpin berbagai komunitas perkumpulan di masyarakat, untuk menghimpun dan mengedukasi serta memgajak mereka untuk berperan aktif dalam komunitas Global Civil Society Community ini untuk berperang melawan agenda Globalist. Cybernetwalker adalah Dark knight di kehidupannya dan dunia maya, ia layaknya Batman di kehidupan nyata.
He also mediated many racial and religious issues. He really liked and studied religious knowledge a lot. Because of his knowledge, he was able to straighten out and direct religious communities that were in conflict and friction, so that they would get along with each other and uphold tolerance and peace. And until they gain enlightenment and unite to strive to realize the divine mission at the end of time, namely to restore justice and truth, inviting humans to goodness by returning to following the straight path of God. Upholding God's Law and commands in the Truth.
Ia juga banyak menengahi berbagai isu ras dan agama. Ia sangat menyukai dan begitu banyak mendalami ilmu agama. Di karenakan keilmuannya itu ia mampu meluruskan dan mengarahkan para komunitas umat beragama yang saling konflik & bergesekan ,agar mereka saling akur & menjunjung toleransi & perdamaian. Dan hingga mereka memperoleh pencerahan dan bersatu untuk berupaya mewujudkan misi ilahiyah di akhir zaman, yaitu mengembalikan keadilan dan kebenaran, mengajak manusia kepada kebaikan dengan kembali mengikuti Jalan Tuhan yang lurus. Menegakkan Hukum & perintah Tuhan dengan Sebenar2nya.
He is a Hero in the Shadow who became a hidden legend, the pride of all the people of the world, a symbol of the revolution of resistance & struggle on the path of truth. and the leader of the heroes in the Global community and the protector of the world community, who is an example, loved & admired. He is so scary for the Globalist agents and technocrats in this virtual world. Not only have many of his social media accounts been taken down hundreds of times. Even information about him and the organization he leads is hidden from the internet by Technocrate & Globalist agent.
Dia adalah Pahlawan dalam Bayangan yang menjadi legenda yang tersembunyi, Kebanggaan seluruh rakyat dunia,simbol revolusi perlawanan & perjuangan diatas jalan kebenaran. dan pemimpin para pahlawan di komunitas Global dan pelindung masyarakat dunia , yang menjadi teladan, dicintai & di kagumi. Saking menakutkannya ia bagi para agen Globalist dan para technocrate di Dunia maya ini. Bukan hanya banyak akun social medianya yang ratusan kali di take down. Bahkan informasi tentang dirinya dan organisasi yang di pimpinnya ini di sembunyikan dari internet oleh para technocrate & agent Globalist.
He is a symbol of movement and freedom in the end times, he is a traveler (Cyberwalker) & a very experienced veteran explorer of cyberspace, hundreds of thousands of sites he has visited and mapped, that's why he is called a Cyberspace legend. He was the first person to define the meaning of the word "Globalist" as a term for the Global elite, universally. And he also narrowed down the meaning of the term "Cabals" and definitively stated it as "Jewish Elite", and he was also the first to state that the Zionist Israel is Jewish and they are the real perpetrators of Genocide in the end times. And called on the world community to actively to help together, as well as defend & strive to fight for the liberation of Palestine, and join the war against the Zionist Israel and also the leaders of its allies. Through all the power and ability they can.
Ia adalah simbol pergerakan dan kebebasan di akhir zaman, ia adalah seorang pengelana (Cyberwalker) & penjelajah veteran dunia maya yang sangat berpengalaman,ratusan ribu situs pernah ia jambangi dan petakan, maka itulah kenapa ia dikatakan sebagai legenda Cyberspace. ia orang pertama yang mendefinisikan makna kata "Globalist" sebagai penyebutan bagi elite Global, secara universal. Dan juga ia pula yang mengerucutkan makna kata dari istilah "Cabals" dan menyebutkan nya secara definitif sebagai "Elite Yahudi" , dan ia pula yang pertama menyatakan bahwa Zionist Israel adalah yahudi dan mereka adalah pelaku Genocida sebenarnya di akhir zaman ini. Dan menyerukan masyarakat dunia untuk aktif bersama-sama membantu,serta membela & berupaya berjuang untuk pembebasan Palestina, dan turut berperang melawan zionist israel dan juga para pemimpin sekutu nya. Lewat segala daya dan kemampuan yang mereka bisa.
Cybernetwalker or commonly called Mask, provides a lot of counseling and education for the world community through social media, about the importance of studying religious knowledge, & reading various scientific books. And reminding them to participate in the Global Civil Society community, so that they gain knowledge and information related to the real situation in this dystopian era & what will be the challenges, tests & big threats for them, in the world today. So that they know the truth about the evil agenda of the dissidents and enemies of God. Who do a lot of oppression, slavery, misguidance, crime, injustice and destruction on the face of this earth.
Cybernetwalker atau yang biasa di panggil Mask, banyak memberikan penyuluhan dan edukasi bagi masyarakat dunia lewat social media, akan pentingnya mendalami Ilmu agama, & membaca bebagai buku2 ilmu pengetahuan. Serta mengingatkan agar mereka turut berpartisipasi dalam komunitas Global Civil Society, agar mereka memperoleh pengetahuan dan informasi terkait keadaan sebenarnya di era distopia ini & apa yang akan menjadi tantangan,ujian & ancaman besar bagi mereka,di dunia pada saat ini. Agar mereka tau kebenarannya akan agenda jahat dari para pembangkang dan musuh2 Tuhan ini. Yang banyak melakukan penindasan, perbudakan, penyesatan, kejahatan, kezaliman dan kerusakan di atas muka bumi ini.
Therefore, he actively calls on the world community to be obliged from now on to seek and deepen their religious knowledge, in order to strengthen their faith and mentality in this end time, so as not to be tempted by the tricks of the devil, Dajjal, Satan and his followers. and also as their provision to face death and the end of the world. And besides that, they are called to study and practice the knowledge and skills of survivalists and also to guide and teach their children about it. So that they can survive the threats and dangers, as well as the difficult, heavy and critical conditions in the end time,
Oleh karena nya ia aktif menyerukan masyarakat dunia agar wajib dari sekarang untuk mencari & memperdalam ilmu agama mereka ,guna menguatkan iman dan mental di akhir zaman ini, agar tidak tergoda oleh muslihat iblis ,Dajjal, setan dan para pengikutnya. dan juga sebagai bekal mereka menghadapi ajal dan hari akhir. Dan selain itu mereka diserukan agar mempelajari serta mempraktikkan ilmu dan kemampuan survivalist serta turut membimbing dan mengajarkan anak2 mereka akan itu. Agar mereka dapat bertahan dari ancaman dan bahaya, serta kondisi sulit,berat dan kritis di akhir zaman,
where there will be many wars, conflicts, chaos, and murder. While at that time it was not only an epidemic, but also many terrible disasters and droughts. Also the absence of energy and the destruction of modern technology that will be a nightmare for humanity, because of that to be able to survive at that time, we must equip ourselves with survivalist skills,
dimana akan banyak terjadi perang, pertikaian, kekacauan dan pembunuhan. Sedang saat itu bukan hanya wabah,tapi juga banyak bencana dahsyat dan kekeringan. Juga ketiadaan energi dan musnahnya teknologi modern yang akan menjadi mimpi buruk bagi umat manusia, dikarenakan itu untuk dapat survival di masa itu, kita harus membekali diri kita dengan kemampuan survivalist,
which also includes the ability to garden, farm, hunt, mix herbs, process food ingredients, the ability to search for & create resources, the ability to increase instincts, acceleration, skills, stamina and endurance, as well as the ability to manage food stocks, as well as the ability to take shelter & defend oneself.
yang mana di dalamnya juga ada kemampuan berkebun, bertani, berburu, meracik herbal,mengolah bahan makanan, Kemampuan mencari & menciptakan sumber daya, kemampuan meningkatkan insting, akselerasi, keterampilan, stamina dan daya tahan tubuh, juga kemampuan mengatur stock pangan, serta kemampuan berlindung & mempertahankan diri.
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