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“AGI focus” that can be done with OpenAI
OpenAI, one of the leaders in artificial general intelligence (AGI), recently revised the "core values" listed on their website. As I mentioned in the article below, the only ones who are building something that can be called AGI are OpenAI and Google. As of now. And they have never officially defined or mentioned AGI. They were just answering questions, but through this OpenAI homepage redesign, they have declared AGI as OpenAI's most important goal.
The Beginning of Change: Redefining Core Values
OpenAI’s careers page previously listed six core values: “Audacious,” “Thoughtful,” “Unpretentious,” “Impact-driven,” “Collaborative,” and “Growth-oriented.” But that list has recently been whittled down to five, with “ AGI focus” appearing first. “If it doesn’t help develop AGI, it’s out of scope,” the website states. ( Source )
AGI focus: We are committed to building a safe and beneficial AGI that will have a major positive impact on the future of humanity. "Anything that does not help AGI is excluded from the scope."
Intense and scrappy: Building something special (often not flashy) requires effort and urgency, and everything (we choose) matters. Don't lose simplicity and do what works. Find the best ideas wherever you are.
Scale: We believe that scale is magic in all aspects of our business: our models, our systems, ourselves, our processes, our ambitions. When in doubt, scale.
Make something people love: Our technology and products must have an innovative and positive impact on people's lives.
Team spirit: Our greatest progress and differentiation comes from effective collaboration within and across teams. Each team’s identity and priorities are increasingly diverse, but their overall purpose and goals must be perfectly aligned. There is no such thing as someone else’s problem.
AGI Focus: A New Direction
CEO Sam Altman described AGI as "the equivalent of a median human that you could hire as a co-worker." The emergence of this new core value is a clear signal that OpenAI is going to focus more on developing AGI.
Other core values
In addition to ‘AGI Focus’, new additions include ‘Intense and scrappy’, ‘Scale’, ‘Make something people love’, and ‘Team spirit’.
Why is this change important?
Importance of AGI: AGI is one of the ultimate goals of artificial intelligence. The fact that OpenAI is focusing on it means that they believe that the development of AGI is urgent.
Direction of the team and culture: Core values are a key element in determining the direction of the company culture and team. This change will also affect the way we work and the composition of our teams within OpenAI.
Market and Competition: AGI is a field that many companies and research institutes are targeting. OpenAI’s increased focus on it could be a signal of where it intends to position itself in the market.
These changes provide deep insight into what OpenAI is envisioning for the future and what problems they are trying to solve, which are expected to have significant implications not only for OpenAI but also for the entire artificial intelligence industry.
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