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What OpenAI learned from visiting 25 cities
OpenAI visits 25 cities across six continents to understand priorities for AI development and deployment in local communities
The OpenAI team works directly with Sam Altman and his staff around the world to identify priorities for AI development and deployment in various local communities.
Users and developers are already using OpenAI’s tools to develop a variety of applications, which are being used in education and public services.
Going forward, OpenAI will make artificial intelligence easy and universal for everyone to use through AGI, and our strategy of not creating individual services or directly providing B2C services has become clearer → There were a lot of local requests.
We sense a common hope and concern about the impact of AI across all countries.
The need for product improvement and strengthened governance
OpenAI will continue to work to make its products more useful, effective, and accessible, and to do so, it will strive to reflect the needs of diverse individuals and local cultures.
Strengthen governance of high-capability foundational models, contribute to public discussions on AI laws and regulations, and perform critical safety work such as safety reviews and adversarial testing.
Perspectives on the utility and risks of AI
OpenAI will seek to leverage the benefits of AI by expanding AI education, supporting creators and content creators, and researching the social and economic impacts of the system.
In particular, we deeply sympathize with and will continue to take an interest in the misuse and problems of AI that each country is concerned about.
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