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Key takeaways from Sam Altman’s visit to Korea, Head of OpenAI
Fireside Chat with OpenAI held at 63 Building in Yeouido on Friday, June 9, 2023
An event hosted by SoftBank Ventures and attended by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI
There was a previous meeting between the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the President, but it was private, so I don't know exactly what was said, but I personally guess they talked about expanding investment or regulations.
In fact, Naver, Kakao, and AI startups that have a Foundation Model in Korea are holding a separate roundtable discussion in the form of a Q&A session.
We plan to open various approaches to GPT-3.5/GPT-4.. (In preparation) to enable fine tuning or reinforcement learning
There is room to change the pricing policy. It seems like it would be to apply different discount rates based on usage.
OpenAI also failed a lot and had a hard time. To get to this point, you need to have confidence in the possibility and immersion.
The most difficult failures I've experienced at OpenAI were the ones where I felt like I was constantly betting on the impossible, and the ones where I couldn't solve a problem due to technical limitations.
There are three stages of a startup: vision stage, scale stage, and maturity and growth stage, and each stage has different challenges. I think OpenAI is currently in the scale stage.
OpenAI's mission is to create artificial general intelligence (AGI), and it will not be directly involved in solving other problems → it may help such startups or companies.
OpenAI's members work to make a big impact on the world, and that requires a selfless attitude focused on a common purpose.
While the roundtable was a place to give advice on AI companies and technologies, the main event, Fireside Chat, was more a place to share the general ideas of Sam Altman and OpenAI.
It lasted about an hour, and I personally felt like we talked about four major topics.
AI and jobs
He argued that AI advancements will not eliminate jobs. Instead, as AI increases productivity, new jobs will be created. (To the extent that tasks that took centuries can now be solved in 10 years.)
However, there are concerns that if these changes happen quickly, people may have difficulty adapting.
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is proposed as one way to respond to social changes due to the speed of AI development. Of course, it is emphasized that UBI will not solve all problems.
Social measures and policies, as well as other responses such as education and job development, are needed together.
Talking about the Korean market
OpenAI to Increase Investment in Korean Startups
There is a perception that Korea's Internet penetration rate and technology quality are excellent. There is also a possibility of collaboration with domestic big tech companies.
In line with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups' proposal, we would like to check the possibility of cooperation with Korea's semiconductor ecosystem and production of AI chips.
Just like we established a branch in Japan, we may establish one in Korea someday, but for now, we need to learn more about the Korean market.
Personally, I felt like he didn't know much about Korea...lol Just good stories (when he talked about internet penetration rate, I was like, "Huh?")
AI Regulation
Emphasizes the need for global cooperation to address issues arising from the development of AI
Recognize that each country has a different approach to AI utilization
Regulations based on the AI utilization area of each industry will be necessary
This is what Sam Altman is currently touring around each country, trying to persuade them.
Startups/Talent in the AI Era
Skills in the AI era? The technology itself continues to change, but it is more important to learn how to define and solve problems.
Software is a very important tool, but just as it requires more than just writing code to manipulate a computer to suit our intentions, so too does artificial intelligence.
In an AI startup, finding PMF (Product-Market Fit) means that the product is so great that friends and family are starting to talk about it → organic virality
Personally, if you are curious about this, please look for the YouTube recording or related articles...
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