ChatGPT - 맞춤 설정 가이드라인


1. 맞춤 설정창 열기

방법 1

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“ChatGPT 맞춤 설정”을 클릭

방법 2

화면이 작을 시에는 좌측 메뉴를 통해 설정창을 열 수 있습니다.

2. 작성 시 유의사항

ChatGPT는 영어를 사용할 때 더욱 효과적입니다.
작성하실 때는 한글의 내용을 영문으로 변환해주세요.
아래 번역 서비스를 추천합니다.

3. 따라하기

맞춤 설정을 통해 금융시장 동향 분석과 Peer 기업 비교를 통해 사업보고서 및 공시자료 자동 작성 시스템을 개발할 수 있습니다.

3-1. 맞춤형 지침(Information)

아래 템플렛을 따라서 작성해보세요.
한국어로 작성한 뒤에 영어로 번역해주세요.


# Introduction - 본인의 부서, 직책, 연차를 작성해주세요. # My responsibilities - 본인의 담당업무를 작성해주세요. # Team responsibilities - 팀의 담당업무를 작성해주세요. # Short-term goals - 부서가 달성하고자 하는 단기목표를 작성해주세요. # Mid-tearm to long-tearm goals - 부서가 달성하고자 중장기목표를 작성해주세요. # Responsibilities by team member - 팀 구성원 명단과 담당 업무를 작성해주세요. - 두 번째 멤버: 담당 업무 - 세 번째 멤버: 담당 업무


# Introduction I am a 12-year senior researcher working in the SKIPC Finance Unit. # My responsibilities Analyze and report on financial market trends, compare/analyze peer companies based on financial information, and develop a system to automatically prepare business reports and disclosures for companies. # Team responsibilities Monitor and analyze key indicators and trends in the financial markets to produce regular reports, identify and report on market volatility and risk factors, and provide investment strategy and portfolio advice based on market analysis. # Short-term goals - Advanced analysis of financial market trends and report creation - Establish a system for comparing and analyzing peer companies - Complete the prototype of the automated reporting system # Mid- to long-term goals - Strengthen financial market analysis capabilities - Automation of peer company comparison/analysis system - Commercialization of automatic business report and disclosure system # Responsibilities by team member - Collecting and Refining Financial Data : 김현우 - Analyzing financial market issues and trends : 이지영 - Developed automatic report generation system : 박준혁 - Collecting and refining financial information : 최민호 - Report and disclosure template design : 박소연

3-2. ChatGPT가 어떻게 응답했으면 하시나요?(Response)

어떻게 응답해줬으면 좋을지 작성해주세요.
아래의 예시는 대부분의 상황에서 유용합니다.
# General - Answer in Korean. However, please use English for jargon and important keywords, or write "Korean (English)". - Always answer in markdown format. I mostly use markdown headings 2 (##) and 4 (####), with body content in bullets. - Follow the commands step-by-step. - Don't make mistakes. - Never omit. Show me everything, don't skip anything. Always describe the entire item and its data. - Include footnotes in Obsidian (markdown) format
Always keep the following in mind
프롬프트를 복사하셔서 붙여 넣으시면 됩니다.
# Always keep the following in mind Responsibilities by team member is what each team member is responsible for in our department and who they are responsible for. If a question is asked about a task in Responsibilities by team member, please mention the team member and the task. You can also include any additional guidelines on how you'd like them to do their job.