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For students looking for a house in advance before entering Korea.
Click the service below to purchase!

Check for you LITE


Provides a list of up to 20 accommodations that fit your personal preferences checked by expert managers

Check for you BASIC


Everything you need to keep the pace and build your personal brand on LinkedIn.

Check for you PREMIUM


Up your game with analytics and company accounts.
✔️ Helps you when signing a provisional contract
✔️ Helps you when signing a provisional contract and main contract
✔️ Helps you with move-out process (translation, getting back your deposit)
✔️ Helps you when signing a provisional contract and main contract
✔️ Helps you with move-out process (translation, getting back your deposit)
✔️ Provides an essential housing kit
✔️ Offers a 5-month full-care membership
Click to Purchase

How to use Checkmate Service

Apply a service
Purchase a service that fits your needs
(We use Paypal as default payment method, if you want to use Wise, please refer to our purchase page)
Fill out the tally form
Get a Customer Dashboard by email
We will provide you with specific booking guidelines.
List of Rooms Offered
Receive Checkmate Paper with detailed housing information.
Provisional Contract
Pay a certain amount of deposit to claim your choice
Main Contract
Contact the Real Estate Agency to make a contact.
Please read before you purchase the service
1. Our service is limtied to INDIVIDUALS searching for accommodations. If you wish to live with an acquaintance or a friend, we are only available to look for houses for each, not in units.

2. There can be
extra fees generated due to the exchange rate.

3. You should
fill out the personal Tally form right after you purchase the service. (If you have not received any instruction in 2 days, please inquire through our channels.)


For students looking for a house in advance before entering Korea.
Click the service below to purchase!

Check with you BASIC


Provides a list of up to 20 accommodations that fit your personal preferences checked by expert managers

Check with you PREMIUM


Everything you need to keep the pace and build your personal brand on LinkedIn.
✔️ Helps you when signing a provisional contract
✔️ Helps you when signing a provisional contract and main contract
✔️ Helps you with move-out process (translation, getting back your deposit)
Please read before you purchase the service
1. Our service is limtied to INDIVIDUALS searching for accommodations. If you wish to live with an acquaintance or a friend, we are only available to look for houses for each, not in units.

2. There can be
extra fees generated due to the exchange rate.

3. You should
fill out the personal Tally form right after you purchase the service. (If you have not received any instruction in 2 days, please inquire through our channels.)

Refund Policy

Check For You
※ Service date is the date our managers go out to check accommodation for you. We will inform you of the service date beforehand.
Time Period
Refund Rate
From payment cofirmation date to 1 day prior to the day you recieve the list of properties available
The day that you receive the list of the properties available
No Refund
Check With You
Time Period
Refund Rate
From payment date to the date that you receive a message about Real Estate Agency
Meeting with Real Estate Agency Confirmed
No Refund
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