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Guide: Create your business card with SlashPage
Creating your own business card with SlashPage literally takes just a few minutes.
Follow the steps below:
Sign up for SlashPage
Start from Scratch
If you prefer to start from scratch,
click 'New Site' to create your business card.
Start with a template
If you'd rather use a template, select the best one for you from the options below and click on it.
Duplicate as Template
Once you've chosen a template, click 'Duplicate as Template' to make it your own.
Customize Your Business Card
Edit anything you want, including the site domain.
Share Your Business Card
Share your business card by distributing the page link, using Airdrop, or displaying a QR code.
Sharing your business card via Airdrop or QR Code is incredibly convenient when networking with people nearby.
Your business card is complete!
You can edit it anytime, and the changes will be updated instantly.
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Don't worry. You can explore them one by one at your own pace.
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