It's incredibly easy to discover new SlashPages on our discover page! If any of the existing pages interest you, you can duplicate them, if the owner enables duplication!
Insert live chats and channels into your SlashPage!
For free, you can insert live chats, whether it is for your own page users, or for servicing customer support! You can also insert images and files and react with emojis- just like a typical messenger!
Collaborate live with as many users as you want!
Build a wonderful page, blog, community, catalog - whatever you imagine- with collaboration! Changes are updated live, without a delay, allowing instantaneous update of your changes and collaborator's changes!
Your site is instantly SEO ready and ready to share!
Regardless of what you have built, SEO is a basic necessity in this day and age! By default your page is incorporated into the sitemap, allowing for the best SEO results and tracking of analytics - all for free! If you do want more premium analytics, you do have the choice to link it with Meta's Pixel ID and Google Analytics ID!