
Embryonic stem cell probes

CDy1 [Active Motif]
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CDb8 [Catalog # P008]

Chemical structure & Information
CDb8 (Compound of Designation blue 8) is a xanthone based blue fluorescent probe for mouse embryonic stem cell (mES). CDb8 stains the outside of mES colony, i.e. glycocalyx area [1]. Glycocalyx is enriched with glycoproteins and glycolipids. The co-staining with related ES probes showed that CDy1 stains inside ES colony, and CDg4 and CDb8 stains the surface of ES colony [2]. Based on the imaging data, the binding target of CDb8 may be glycogen in glycocalyx.
Cell Image
Selective staining of mESC by CDb8. (a) Chemical structure of CDb8; (b) mESC was selectively stained by CDb8 at 1 mM for 1 h. Upper panel: mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF), middle: mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC), lower panel: mESC on MEF feeder. (c) Flow cytometry analysis of DMSO control cells. (d) Flow cytometry analysis of CDb8 stained cells. The cells are loaded after 1 h incubation at 1 mM. B.F: bright field, scale bar: 100 mm.
Related probes: CDy1, CDg4, CDy9
Known Property:
mouse embryonic stem cell (mES) probe
Cell selectivity mechanism:
COLD (maybe glycogen)
Solid phase combinatorial synthesis of xanthone library using click chemistry and its application to embryonic stem cell probe, Ghosh, K. K; Ha, H. H.; Kang, N. Y.; Chandran, Y.; Chang, Y. T.* Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 7488-7490
Development of fluorescent Chalcone library and its application in the discovery of a mouse embryonic stem cell probe, Lee, S. C.; Kang, N. Y.; Park, S. J.; Yun, S. W.; Chandran, Y.; Chang, Y. T.* Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 6681-6683.

USD 350 + VAT (10%) + Fedex delivery charge
In Korea:
KRW 450,000 + VAT (10%)
100 nmol (dried form: equvalent to 1 mM / 100 µL)

① Delivery: Room Temperature
② Dried compound: 4°C or -20°C
③ Compound solution: 4°C or -20°C

General Use Guide
More than 1/100 dilution of 10mM of DMSO stock solution is essential
For biomedical use to avoid DMSO concentration higher than 1%.
Working concentrations for specific applications should be determined by the investigator.
It is recommended to use up the buffer diluted solution within one day. The compound may be decomposed or
precipitated out from buffer solution.
Data sheet PDF file
CDb8 data sheet v0.2.pdf626KB
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