CDg4 (Compound of Designation green 4) is a chalcone based green fluorescent probe for mouse embryonic stem cell (mES). CDg4 stains the outside of mES colony, i.e. glycocalyx area. Glycocalyx is enriched with glycoproteins and glycolipids. The binding target of Cdg4 was identified as glycogen in glycocalyx, and the CDg4 staining was diminished by amylase treatnebt. In contrast to mES colony, neurosphere lacks glycogen and is not stained by CDg4. The co-staining with related ES probes showed that CDy1 stains inside ES colony, and CDg4 and CDb8 stains the surface of ES colony
■ Cell Image
(a) The mESCs were co-cultured on MEF. The bright field (left) and fluorescent image (right) of CDg4. Scale bar: 200 mm. Images of stained cell colonies were taken by 4 objective lenses. (b) Flow cytometry dot plot images of mESC and MEF stained with DMSO as a control and CDg4 (lab: 430 nm, lem: 560 nm, e: 23 600, QY: 0.2 in DMSO).
Development of fluorescent Chalcone library and its application in the discovery of a mouse embryonic stem cell probe, Lee, S. C.; Kang, N. Y.; Park, S. J.; Yun, S. W.; Chandran, Y.; Chang, Y. T.* Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 6681-6683.