CDb12 (Compound of Designation blue 12) was discovered from mitotic cell selective dye screening in RPE1 cells, and stains mitotic cells 7 times stronger than interphase cells. CDyb12 stains nucleus and increase the fluorescence upon treatment of DNA, but not of RNA. CDb12 could monitor the dynamic cell division at least for 2 cell division cycle. In contrast, Hoechst treated cells showed cell cycle arrest at M phase, may be due to too strong binding to DNA
■ Cell Image
Time-lapse imaging of CDb12, compared to Hoechst 33342. RPE1 cells were stained with CDb12 (1 mM) or Hoechst 33342 (0.5 mg mL1 ). The mitosis was monitored for 24 h with frames taken every 3 min on a timelapse imaging system Nikon Biostation IM (Nikon) with DAPI filter (405 nm).
Development of nucleus staining fluorescent probe for dynamic mitosis imaging in live cells, Ghosh, K. K.; Jeong, Y. M.; Kang, N. Y.; Lee, J. Y.; Wan, S. Y.; Kim, J. Y.; Yoo, J.; Kim, D.; Kim, Y. K.; Chang, Y. T. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 9336-9338.