DNA-selective probe, DNA green, capable of cell imaging, and also DNA quantification in flow cytometry. It is noteworthy that DNA green works both in live and fixed cells, which allows various experimental options in cellular imaging. As a practical green DNA staining dye, DNA green provides broader color options for biological imaging by a simple chemical method.
■ Cell Image
(A) DNA green stains of Live or Fixed cells. Live and fixed cell staining of JN-C61 in A549 and Hela cell lines. The final concentration of JN-C61 was 5 µM. The images were taken under FITC channel. (B) Cell Cycle Analysis. A549 cell line was used in this experiment. The final concentration of JN-C61 was 25 µM. The cells were compared between (a) normal cells, and (b) Nocodazole-inhibited cells
■ Known Property DNA selective probe ■ Application Immunofluorescence ■ Cell selectivity mechanism DOLD
■ Reference
Discovery of a Green DNA Probe for Live-Cell Imaging, Feng, S.; Kim, Y. K.; Yang, Q.; Chang, Y. T.* Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 436-438.