
Bioflim probes

CDy11 - Amyloid targeting [Patent pending]
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CDy14 - Polysaccharide targeting [Patent pending]

■ Chemical structure & Information
Bacterial biofilm is a self-generated extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), composed of extracellular DNA, polysaccharides, and proteins such as amyloids. CDy14 (Compound of Designation yellow 14) is discovered through an unbiased bacterial biofilm screening with cyclic-di-GMP as the biofilm turn-on switch.
■ Cell Image
Localization of CDy14 on the biofilm of PAO1-GFP, wild type P. aeruginosa. (A) CDy14 stained extracellular matrix of biofilm with images taken using CLSM or SR-SIM, respectively. Scale bar, 10 mm. (B) The different localizations of CDy14 on the biofilm are shown at different forming times.
PAO1- GFP, wild type P. aeruginosa, was cultured in the chamber slide for 1, 3, and 5 days.
CDy14 was applied to the biofilm with different development times. The images were taken using the Nikon confocal microscope. Scale bar, 10 mm. The CDy14 stain patterns during the biofilm formation are shown in the vertical sectioned images and the schematic figure (blue box).
Related probes: CDy11, CDr15
Known Property
exopolysaccharide psl probe
Cell selectivity mechanism
COLD (psl exopolysaccharide)
CDy14: a novel biofilm probe targeting exopolysaccharide Psl, Kwon, H. Y.; Kim, J. Y.; Lee, J.
Y.; Yam, J. K. H.; Hultqvist, L. D.; Xu, W.; Rybtke, M.; Tolker-Nielsen, T.; Kim, J. J.; Kang, N. Y.; Yang, L.; Park, S. J.
; Givskov, M.; Chang, Y. T.* Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 11865-11868.

USD 350 + VAT (10%) + Fedex delivery charge
In Korea
KRW 450,000 + VAT (10%)
100 nmol (dried form: equvalent to 1 mM / 100 µL)

① Delivery: Room Temperature
② Dried compound: 4°C or -20°C
③ Compound solution: 4°C or -20°C

General Use Guide
More than 1/100 dilution of 10mM of DMSO stock solution is essential
For biomedical use to avoid DMSO concentration higher than 1%.
Working concentrations for specific applications should be determined by the investigator.
It is recommended to use up the buffer diluted solution within one day. The compound may be decomposed or
precipitated out from buffer solution.
Data sheet PDF file
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