CyB C9 has a rapid process time (2 h), is nontoxic, and more sensitive in detecting senescent MSCs both in early and in late stages.
■ Cell Image
A. Positive staining of CyB C9 on senescent (p25)heMSCs.In comparison, proliferative (p8) heMSCs show the absence of staining. B. The localization of CyBC9stain in senescent (p25) heMSCs. A) Costaining of heMSCs with CyB C9 and MitoTracker Green. Scale bar:10μm. A graph representing values of the Pearson correlation coefficient of CyBC9costaining with other organelle stains. High Pearson correlation coefficient indicates high localization in the cell organelle. C. Costaining of CyB C9 and SA‐β‐Gal for proliferative (p8) heMSCs treated and not treated with H2O2.Scale bar:100μm. Arrows indicate that cells with positive SA‐β‐gal staining also stain positive for CyB C9.
Rapid detection of senescent mesenchymal stromal cells by a fluorescent probe, Ang, J.; Lee, Y. A.; Raghothaman, D.; Jayaraman, P.; Teo, K. L.; Khan, F. J.; Reuveny, S.; Chang, Y. T.; Kang, N. Y.; Oh, S. Biotechnol. J. 2019, 1800691.