
Differentiated muscle cell probe

CDy2 [Catalog # P002]

CDy2 [Catalog # P002]

■ Chemical structure & Information
CDy2 stains mitochondria in live muscle cells and target protein was expected to covalently labeled through CA group of CDy2. The fluorescent property of CDy2 allowed to monitor the binding protein from SDS-gel and the biomarker of CDy2 was elucidated as ALDH2.
■ Cell Image
Identification of protein binders in vitro and in living cells. (a) Chemical structure of CDy2 for labeling a target protein in living cells. (b) Myoblasts (MB) or myotubes (MT) were incubated with CDy2 (500 nM) for 30 min and imaged with a fluorescent microscope. Then, cells were lysed for in-gel fluorescence analysis (lex=530 nm, lex=580 nm) (c) Western blot analysis (WB). (d) Two-dimensional gel analysis for the identification of the labeled protein.
Related probes: E26, I25, I31
Known Property
differentiated muscle cell probe
Cell selectivity mechanism
POLD (ALDH2 in mitochondria)
Binding of fluorophores to proteins depends on the cellular environment, Kim, Y. K.; Lee, J. S.; Bi, X.; Ha, H. H.; Ng, S. H.; Ahn, Y. H.; Lee, J. J.; Wagner, B. K.; Clemons, P. A.; Chang, Y. T.* Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 2011, 50, 2761-2763.
Small-molecule fluorophores to detect cell-state switching in the context of highthroughput screening, Wagner, B. K.; Carrinski, H. A.; Ahn, Y. H.; Kim, Y. K.; Gilbert, T. J.; Fomina, D. A.; Schreiber, S. L.; Chang, Y. T.; Clemons, P. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 4208-4209.
Site-selective labeling at Cys302 of aldehyde dehydrogenase unveils a selective mitochondrial stain, Kim, Y. K.; Lee, J. K.; Lee, J. S.; Yoon, C. N.; Chang, Y. T.* Mol. Biosyst. 2011, 7, 2375-2378.

USD 350 + VAT (10%) + Fedex delivery charge
In Korea
KRW 450,000 + VAT (10%)
100 nmol (dried form: equvalent to 1 mM / 100 µL)

① Delivery: Room Temperature
② Dried compound: 4°C or -20°C
③ Compound solution: 4°C or -20°C

General Use Guide
More than 1/100 dilution of 10mM of DMSO stock solution is essential
For biomedical use to avoid DMSO concentration higher than 1%.
Working concentrations for specific applications should be determined by the investigator.
It is recommended to use up the buffer diluted solution within one day. The compound may be decomposed or
precipitated out from buffer solution.
Data sheet PDF file
CDy2 data sheet v0.2.pptx.pdf175KB
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