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Tweaks Without Tantrums

I'm too scared of developers to ask for fixes
Projects get abandoned too often
The front-end developer is going crazy
I just need to move a button, but he won't do it.
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Promptyping: Where Experimental, Frequent Changes Thrive
Create & test MVPs to confirm concepts in the planning phase.
Planning, concept changes, and scrapping can be fully tested in the planning phase, which can be very costly. Minimise communication & decision-making costs between developers by completing prototypes with almost all basic functions in the planning stage.
Web-based AI Prototyping.
Create AI demo pages with simple prompts to infer models developed by AI researchers (.onnx) and open source ML models, connect to AI APIs, and more.
Export page code that developers can pick up right away.
It provides a level of code that front-end and back-end engineers can jump right in and work on, dramatically increasing the productivity of productisation and modernisation efforts.
Build app as easily as you talk.
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