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250108 영어회화
Q1. Have you ever watched any video clips about pets or wild animal? Q2. Do you often pet or feed stray animals when you see them? Q3. Do you think the demands for raising companion animals will increase over time?
  1. English
  2. Daily expression
  • J
    Jina Amie
영어 표현 정리 2
Basically 거의 그렇다고 볼 수 있지, 사실상 그런 것과 다름 없을 경우. Basically I've been working all day. Are you done packing? Yeah, basically. Did you finish your report? Basically, I just need to proofread. She was basically ignoring me the whole time. 쉽게 말하자면, 간단하게 요약하자면 Basically, It's a story about friendship. I basically spent the whole day cleaning. The job is basically answering emails all day. 그러니까, 이게뭐냐면, 무슨말이냐면 (umm, like, 와 같이 말의 빈공간을 채우고 싶을 때, 말버릇 or 강조하고 싶은 말 앞에 사용) Basically It is just a chill hangout-nothing fancy. I was basically starving so I ate the whole pizza. Today was basically the worst day ever. Obviously 뻔하지. 당연하지. (코믹하거나 약간 비꼬는 어투 포함?) Aren't you excited for Christmas? Obviously! Obviously i'm going get the desserts first, it's the best part!
  1. English
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  3. Daily expression
  • J
    Jina Amie
영어 표현 정리 1
out of my element 낯설고 어색하다. 내 영역(익숙함) 밖 ⇒ 불안감, 자신감 하락을 묘사 My experience shooting it sort of mirrored my experience in the film because I felt out of my element. such a whirland 정말 정신없다. It was such a whirland. I remember going up those crazy stairs. headspace 심리적 상태 The character Charlotte is kind of in that headspace too. formidable in all the ways 모든 면에서 대단한 She is a wonderful, really strong actor, director and formidable in all way wonderful ways. get trashed 술에 진탕 취하다. I was like "you should come, and we should get wasted together at the [Rough Night] premiere." So she came last night to the [Rough Night] premiere and we did get kind of trashed. had a good run
  1. English
  2. Youtube
  3. Daily expression
  • J
    Jina Amie
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