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Audio Catalog

Infinite CatalogMusic CatalogueMusic ManagerReprtoirSoundPediaSynchtank

Infinite Catalog

Infinte Catalog - Catalogs of all shapes and sizes — run by record labels, managers, artists and publishers — use Infinite Catalog to get royalties done, keep everyone in the loop, and get everybody paid.
Date: 2023-11-16T14:46:18.661Z
Tags: #audio #tools #management

Music Catalogue

Music Catalogue - Review Music Gateway's music industry tools for songwriters, record labels and artists. Access file storage, curate playlists, manage your songs and music catalogue, song metadata, contacts, clients, writers and rights holders in an all-in-one solution.
Date: 2023-11-19T03:10:05.980Z
Tags: #audio #catalog #management

Music Manager

Music Manager - Unlock the Commercial Value of Your Music Catalogue. We specialise in managing, optimising and exploiting music catalogues on behalf of independent artists, labels, studios, investors, estates and foundations.
Date: 2023-11-19T03:09:40.230Z
Tags: #audio #catalog #management


Reprtoir - The #1 solution for storing and managing tracks, videos, and works metadata and files in one place.
Date: 2023-11-19T03:03:48.041Z
Tags: #audio #catalog


SoundPedia - SoundPedia is the directory of music and sound. Upload tracks, promote your music, post news, events, and more!
Date: 2023-11-16T12:39:43.528Z
Tags: #audio #directory


Synchtank - Synchtank's asset management platform allows music rights owners and rights users to manage their assets, IP, and metadata.
Date: 2023-11-19T03:04:32.192Z
Tags: #audio #catalog #management
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