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Audio Stats

Album Scrobbles

Album Scrobbles - Calculate your real album listening stats, based on the track count per album.
Date: 2023-11-16T12:48:16.448Z
Tags: #audio #stats


BrewFM - Think Spotify Release Radar
Only better.
Refreshed multiple times a day
Checks for new music per playlist
Checks all artists in your playlists for new music
Not just the ones you follow
Date: 2023-11-16T13:04:09.894Z
Tags: #audio #stats


ChartMasters - Music industry data is rare. Our expertise allows us to overcome that and provide up-to-date accurate key data. Welcome to ChartMasters!
Date: 2023-11-16T12:48:25.929Z
Tags: #audio #stats


Jeith. - Search any artist or band to get an estimate on how much their copyright holders earn through Spotify.
Date: 2023-11-16T12:50:11.792Z
Tags: #audio #stats

Top Charts

Top Charts - Top Charts ranks the top 100 songs of the week based on Apple Music, Youtube and Spotify streaming, iTunes sales, and also radio airplay on myTuner app.
Date: 2023-11-16T12:47:12.951Z
Tags: #audio #stats
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