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Todd Heo

Current Position
Blockchain R&D Company Namu Labs Co-Founder & CEO (2021.07~)
Blockchain Business Insight Research and Analysis
Implementation of blockchain services and business consulting
Personal Career
[Cryptocurrency 24-hour real-time breaking news service "Coinnis" co-founder & COO]
Hosted Asia Digital Asset Exchange 2020 Strategy VIP Seminar
Established a domestic marketing collaboration network
[Implemented Ethereum ERC-20 Token Multiple Transfer Service 'Multi-X' BD and Service]
Implementation of Ethereum airdrop transfer functionality based on MetaMask and Web3
Implemented Multiple Airdrop Services with Ethereum Solidity ABI
[Implemented Crosschain DeFi service "BSC Bridge" service]
Bridge Implementation with ERC & HRC Cross-Chain Technology
Implement DeFi services with Web3 & Ethereum Solidity ABI
[Defizer based on the point of recharging pig]
Implementation of bridge service through cross-chain technology between ERC & BEP & charged pig points
Other Career
Incheon Metanomics 2023 Signs MOU with Incheon Metropolitan City to foster the blockchain ecosystem
Gyeongnam Pharmaceutical 2023 WKNW (Web3.0 Korea Networking Week), Web3 Builder AMA
Graduated from the Department of Finance at Beijing University School of Economics, China
U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) Chinese Specialist

Eric Kim

Current Position
Blockchain R&D Company Namu Labs Co-Founder & CEO (2021.07~)
Blockchain Trend Research and Technology Research and Analysis
Blockchain Legal, Tech case analysis and solution research and internalization
Personal Career
Certified virtual asset operator on the Oasis Exchange (2022.02)
Tech Leader for China Baidu subsidiary Co., Ltd. 100% blockchain development team (2021.08 ~ 2021.12)
General overseer for ISMS acquisition of Oasis Exchange and system architecture design (2021.09.02)
CEO of Duda Holdings, which operates Chia Korea (Chia Network Pool) service (2020.09~)
Bitsonic Exchange Defi Development Team Tech Leader (2020.10 ~ 2021.06)
iCore E&C Government-led Blockchain Lecture Curriculum Production (2020.08)
Korea Electric Power Exchange Security Consultant (2019.12.02)
Other Career
Lectured at CoinDesk Korea 2023 Global Talknomics Forum, Blockchain and ESG (2023.03)
Blockchain Week in Busan (BWB) Lectured on "Blockchain Security" (2022.10)
Hanbit Media (Devground) "Token Economy and Crypto Economics. Let's Think and Make" Lecture (2019.06)
Blockchain Seoul 2018 Virtual Currency Exchange Hacking Demonstration (2018.09)
Blockchain Smart Contract-Based Research and Patent Application (2018)
SBS Virtual Currency Exchange mock hacking demonstration and participation in news panel (2017.12)
MBC Virtual Currency Exchange Hacking Demonstration (2017.12)
Winner of the National Algorithm Competition's 1st Ministerial Award (2016).12)
2nd Place at Codegate Hacking Competition Mini CTF (2016)
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