Eyes up here meat gazer! No wonder it smells like slut in here. Wait, didnit smell that way before I arrived...or after? What a shit show! Ugh! Anywho:
Bienvenidos a mi "blog" multifocal online de parloteo, en el que escupo pensamientos confusos y sin sentido, y opiniones superficiales e irracionales sobre temas que no le interesan a nadie (excepto a mí). ¡Que lo disfruten!
Somethings I do enjoy:
geeky, tech stuff (both hard & soft)
design (graphic, UX, UI)
apps (it's literally an addiction at this point)
drinking & drugs (it's literally an addiction at this point)
shopping Amazon & TEMU (it's literally an addiction at this point)
and more...so much more!!!
Ya, me neither. But here we go. Enjoy the ride, a d feel free to hmu with any words you have for myself, or the rest of my staff (my dog).