Global version released 🌏 / Script translation function added
2024.03.20 Release Notes
The global version of LilysAI is now available!
It provides a total of 12 languages: Korean, English, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, German, French, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, and Vietnamese.
You can select your language at the top of the main screen.
In addition, you can also set the language of the summary note. The summary note language is available in 11 languages: Korean, English, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, German, French, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, and Vietnamese.
You can select the language as shown in the image below.
A new feature has been added that allows you to translate scripts of foreign language videos.
Click the 'Translate' toggle on the right to translate.
If you have friends who are overseas or foreigners, please spread the word!
Thank you!
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