LITHIUM - Demand Growth

Created by
  • Jose_Henrique
Created at
This article aims to illustrate the evolution of lithium and break it down into its main topics: consume, production, utilization, reserves and business.
Oil is currently the primary energy source used in almost all automobiles. However, with the potential transition to electric cars, lithium batteries, which are more efficient, could become a central commodity in the energy sector. Therefore, it makes sense to monitor its development.
1. Demmand
2. Supply vs Demmand
3. Utilization
4. Production
5. Producers
6. Reserves
7. Companies

1. Demmand

Source: Statista
Source: UBS

2. Supply vs Demand

Source: The Economist
Source: BMO Capital Markets

3. Utilization

Source: Morginstar
Source: Bloomberg

4. Production

Source: BMO Capital Markets
Source: S&P Global

5. Producers

Source: Our World in Data
Source: International Business Times

6. Reserves

Source: IFP Energies Nouvelles
Source: United States Geological Survey

7. Companies

Source: Visual Capitalist
Source: TrendForce

Technical Variables

Commodity: Lithium
#️⃣ Topics: Supply, Demand, Production, Reserves, Companies
📅 Calendar: 2024