S&P500 - 150Y Historical Data - 2014

Created by
  • Jose_Henrique
Created at


This is one of the most comprehensive tables regarding the main U.S. index and macroeconomic KPIs.
Many news portals provide a fragmented snapshot of the data, often in quarterly scales, failing to present proper historical trends and creating unnecessary alarm. This is obviously aimed at generating clicks, comments, and engagement.
The goal here is to give investors a clear and objective perspective on the current state relative to the past, helping them make informed decisions.

Technical Variables

🆔 Indice: S&P 500
🌎 Region: United States
📅 Calendar: 2014
🧮 Indicators:
Δ%: Simple Mean of 1Y, 3Y, 5Y, 10Y, 15Y, 20Y, 30Y
CAGR: Geomean
💿 Source: Multpl