This article aims to present the financial statements of the top 50 companies from american stock index.
Only the main statements lines were highlighted: Market Capitalization, Revenue, Profit, Assets, and Equity.
Additional columns were added to correlate these metrics and measure historical performance.
The goal is to present the results and returns of these stocks in a simple, easy, and intuitive way, without burdening the investor with excessive irrelevant information.
With a quick glance, it is possible to check the KPIs and determine whether the company is being well-managed or not.
Capital: Market Capital
DY: Dividend Yield
Rtn Avg: Simple Mean of Rolling Geomean of 5Y, 10Y, 15Y of Annual Total Return
Rtn Med: Simple Mean of Rolling Median of 5Y, 10Y, 15Y of Annual Total Return
P/S: Price to Sales Ratio
P/A: Price to Asset Ratio
Revenue: Sales
Grw Avg: Simple Mean of Rolling Geomean of 5Y, 10Y, 15Y of Annual Sales Growth
Income: Net Profit
Mrgn Avg: Simple Mean of Rolling Mean of 5Y, 10Y, 15Y of Annual Profit Margin
ROA Avg: Simple Mean of Rolling Mean of 5Y, 10Y, 15Y of ROA (Income/Asset)