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임팩트닷커리어 아이디어 공모전
Aug 16, 2024
공모 내용
아래 3가지 주제와 관련하여 살고 싶은 세계의 모습을 상상한 후 해당 세계가 구현되기 위해
필요한 솔루션으로서
를 만들어 보세요.
- 콘텐츠 글, 영상, 오디오 또는 각 요소를 조합해 만들어질 수 있는 모든 결과물
- 제품 현실에서 보고 만질 수 있는 물성을 가진 결과물
- 소프트웨어 PC 또는 모바일에서 사용 가능한 웹/앱 서비스
작전명 <임팩트 타운> 신청
임팩트커리어에 무엇이든 물어보세요!
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ISO-27001 enterprise-grade security compliant
Visual Collaboration Platform on G2
of the Fortune 100 are customers
community- and expert-built templates
users around the world
integrations with technology partners
So intuitive, so easy.
We are so excited and proud of our product.
Schedule posts
No LinkedIn content tool is complete without it. Simply plan and schedule your posts in advance or post directly.
Template Library
Our ever-growing library of post templates has your back. Handcrafted from successful, viral posts by the best content writers.
Find inspiration
Never run out of ideas with automatic content-planning. If that isn't enough, ask the AI for inspiring topics to write about.
AI Writer
For serious cases of writers block or to speed up your process we have crafter a writer AI. And yes, AI posts can go viral.
Manage your ideas
Our ever-growing library of post templates has your back. Handcrafted from successful, viral posts by the best content writers.
Add media
Never run out of ideas with automatic content-planning. If that isn't enough, ask the AI for inspiring topics to write about.
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