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create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;
create definer = `seongho.park` function json_array_cast(arr json, type varchar(255) ) returns json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; set @type = upper(type); SET @idx = json_length(@arr); while @idx >= 0 do if @type = 'CHAR' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as char); elseif @type = 'SIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as signed); elseif @type = 'UNSIGNED' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as UNSIGNED); elseif @type = 'DATE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATE); elseif @type = 'DATETIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DATETIME ); elseif @type = 'TIME' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as TIME); elseif @type = 'DECIMAL' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DECIMAL); elseif @type = 'DOUBLE' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as DOUBLE); elseif @type = 'BINARY' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as BINARY ); elseif @type = 'JSON' then SET @itm = cast(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')) as JSON); else SET @itm = JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@idx, ']')); end if; set @arr = json_replace( @arr, CONCAT('$[', @idx,']'), @itm); set @idx = @idx - 1; end while; return cast(@arr as json); end;
json array의 unique한 성분만 뽑아내는 함수
CREATE definer=`seongho.park` FUNCTION JSON_UNIQ(arr JSON) RETURNS json sql security invoker BEGIN SET @arr = arr; SET @loop_index = JSON_LENGTH(@arr); set @rand_idx = FLOOR( (RAND() * @loop_index)); set @is_integer = 'INTEGER' = json_type(json_extract(@arr,concat('$[',@rand_idx,']'))); if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'char'); end if; WHILE @loop_index >= 0 DO SET @item = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(@arr, concat('$[',@loop_index,']'))); SET @itemcount = coalesce(JSON_LENGTH(JSON_SEARCH(@arr, 'all', @item)), 0); IF @itemcount > 1 OR @item = 'null' THEN SET @arr = JSON_REMOVE(@arr, CONCAT('$[',@loop_index,']')); END IF; SET @loop_index = @loop_index - 1; End WHILE; if @is_integer then set @arr = json_array_cast(@arr, 'signed'); end if; RETURN CAST(@arr AS JSON); END;
select from nuvi_foods as f inner join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) and not in ( select id from recommendation_histories where nuvi_user_id = :user_id ) group by f.food_name; select from nuvi_foods as f join departments as d on f.department_id = and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') -- left outer join recommendation_histories rh on = rh.nuvi_food_id where f.nuvi_food_main_category_id = 3 and (f.food_group_id = 2 or f.food_group_id = 3) and (d.type = '어린이집' or d.type = '유치원') and not (REGEXP_LIKE(food_name, '[-0-9\`~!@#$%^&*(-)-_;,.<>/?=+"|\\']')) -- and not in (select id -- from recommendation_histories -- where nuvi_user_id = :user_id) group by f.food_name ;`;