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Statistics on working from home, housework, and child care
This was one of the hottest articles in the New York Times yesterday. ( Original text ) The debate over gender and the division of housework/childcare is a hot potato not only in Korea but also around the world. According to the data provided by the latest American Time Use Survey (ATUS), there are some key findings regarding remote work, childcare responsibilities, and the distribution by gender and education level:
Remote work has become the new norm, especially for women and college-educated people: In 2022, 41% of women said they worked from home, compared to 28% of men.
The shift to remote work is even more pronounced among those with higher education, with 54% of workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher reporting that they work from home in 2022.
Additionally, while women are spending less time on childcare than they did at the height of the pandemic, they are still spending more time than men, spending 1.74 hours per day on childcare compared to 0.9 hours for men.
The gender gap in housework persists, with women appearing to be more involved in household activities, except gardening, where men spend more time.
Social activity time decreased in all age groups except 20-24 years. Women spent slightly more time socializing or communicating than men, at 37 minutes per day compared to 30 minutes for men.
In 2022, men will participate in sports and exercise for an average of 20 minutes a day, while women will participate in sports and exercise for an average of 15 minutes, raising concerns that Americans are not getting enough physical activity.
These trends highlight ongoing shifts in the dynamics of the American workforce and family in the wake of the pandemic, including remote work, the gender division of labor, and child care.
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