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Google claims, “It is illegal to use iMessage only on iPhone”
If you look at the lyrics of IU's 'Blueming', there is a part that says "Our square boxes bloom with roses with our thumbs." This was IU's way of expressing the UI/UX used when sending iMessages on the iPhone.
The days of distinguishing iOS users from Android users with blue/green text bubbles could soon be a thing of the past, as Google pushes the European Union to make iMessage compatible with other phones.
Google and several telecoms companies have jointly written a letter to European regulators asking Apple to make iMessage compatible with other phones, including by designating it as a “core platform service” under the Digital Markets Act (DMA).
The European Union has begun investigating whether iMessage should be considered a core platform service. If iMessage is designated as an exclusive platform service, Apple would be required to make iMessage features compatible with other mobile operating systems, such as Google’s Android.
Currently, a green bubble on Apple’s service indicates that the text was sent via SMS, not iMessage. Some Gen Z Android users say they are being teased for not having an iPhone. (And it’s not just in Korea.)
Apple said in an official statement that “consumers today have access to a variety of messaging apps, often using several simultaneously, reflecting the ease with which they can switch between apps,” and “we look forward to explaining to the Commission that iMessage falls outside the scope of the DMA.”
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