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The role of artificial intelligence in archeology, art history, and cultural studies
Leonardo da Vinci recorded that objects appear bright where light strikes them perpendicularly, and dim where the light strikes them at an angle.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable progress in the fields of archaeology and art history research in recent years. While traditional archaeologists and art scholars mainly relied on their own expertise and laboratory and library research, they are now able to conduct more sophisticated analyses through collaboration with computer scientists. This ' connoisseurship ' is progressing in three main directions.
Automated 'eye-based' analysis:
AI can analyze poses, genders, and more in tens of thousands of portraits to categorize artwork by era or art movement, much faster than traditional methods.
Processing beyond human perception:
AI analyzes the lighting, color scheme, and brush strokes of a work of art at a level that is difficult for humans to perceive, such as analyzing the consistency of lighting in Vermeer’s “Girl with a Pearl Earring.”
Introducing new approaches and questions:
AI can be used to restore lost parts or specific colors in works of art, such as the project to digitally restore lost parts of Rembrandt's 'Night Watch'.
Such use of AI can deepen our understanding of art history and contribute to restoring lost cultural heritage. Furthermore, AI will enable large-scale data analysis of works from ancient times to the Middle Ages, which will help us to interpret historical and cultural contexts more richly.
Ultimately, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we study history and culture, deepening and broadening our understanding of our cultural heritage. It will open new windows for art scholars, much as the microscope did for biologists and the telescope did for astronomers.
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