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The Pythagorean theorem was not discovered by Pythagoras.
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Image created through Dali 3 as ‘Babylonians who first discovered the Pythagorean theorem’
The Pythagorean Theorem is one of the most famous theorems in mathematics, but there is no evidence that Pythagoras first discovered or proved it. However, according to a paper published by Bruce Ratner, it was discovered, proven, and used by Babylonian mathematicians 1,000 years before Pythagoras was born, according to a clay tablet discovered in ancient Babylonia.
History of the man named Pythagoras: Pythagoras studied various subjects including mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy, and in his school, numbers were given a sacred meaning.
Babylonian contributions: Babylonian mathematicians knew the Pythagorean theorem 1000 years before Pythagoras.
Euclid's role: Euclid proved the Pythagorean theorem in two different ways in his "Elements".
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