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Q, Amazon's signal to enter the artificial intelligence war!
For reference, Jensen Huang (NVIDIA CEO) gave a presentation and expressed strong solidarity. Jensen Huang is now an almost essential participant in artificial intelligence events. I would almost say that NVIDIA’s value still has room to rise further.
Amazon recently announced Q at Re:invent 2023. Amazon Q is an AI-powered assistant for IT professionals and developers that provides essential support for developing applications using AWS.
Previously, Amazon released a model management service that allows rapid construction, training, and deployment of ML models when it released Amazon SageMaker. It is regrettable that it does not have its own model, but it seems that it is quite possible to overcome this with computing resources and community models with the support of Hugging Face and NVIDIA.
Amazon Q's signature features
Interactive Q&A: Users can get the information they need to build applications without leaving the AWS console.
Amazon EC2 Optimization: Recommends the optimal choice among various EC2 instance types.
Troubleshoot errors: You can troubleshoot errors in AWS services directly from the console.
Network Troubleshooting Support: Diagnose and resolve network connectivity issues.
IDE Integration and Interaction: Get coding help in supported IDEs.
Feature development: Build new features using natural language commands.
Application Upgrades: Quickly upgrade your applications with Amazon Q code conversion.
Additional features for business users include the ability to perform a variety of tasks using natural language commands, and integration with Amazon QuickSight to make data analysis easier. As you can see from the description, this AWS product is an announcement focused on usability, optimization, etc., rather than being limited to a specific model. I also think it is a very clever release that was initially limited to experts and developers and specialized for a specific domain.
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