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👻 Metaverse business status survey report
A report on the current status of metaverse business prepared by QUNIE, a consulting firm under NTT, Japan's largest telecommunications company.
According to the report, 91.9% of the companies surveyed failed to commercialize their businesses.
Most of them fail in the early planning stage, PoC stage.
Even when it reaches the commercialization stage, most of them fail due to issues with actual maintenance/operation.
Personally, I don't think there's anything unusual about the startup failure rate.
This survey was conducted on companies in Japan and companies that have advanced into Japan.
The report compared failed and successful cases and identified the characteristics of failed commercialization from three perspectives: planning/business model, review process, and organization/system .
Planning/Business Model Perspective
There is a tendency to position metaverse business as an extension of existing business. As a result, there is low awareness of approaching it as a new 'business', and there are few 'cash points' and 'cost' visibility is hardly achieved.
Review Process Perspective
Because there was no prior research on users, the ‘targets or tasks/needs’ were ambiguous, so the value provided to the final users was low, and in the business plan formulation, the review of ‘visualization of business processes’, ‘analysis of business risks’, and ‘setting of termination conditions’ was also insufficient.
Organizational/system perspective
There was a noticeable lack of specialized talent and business planning experience in ‘new business development’, ‘technology’, and ‘digital’ within the team. This also led to a tendency for decision-making to be delayed.
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