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Code generation

Code generation using language models is one of the application areas that is becoming increasingly important with the development of artificial intelligence technology. These models help automate complex programming tasks and improve developer productivity.
For example, systems like GitHub's Copilot are used to understand programming languages, identify user intent, and generate or modify code. This allows developers to write code faster and get the support they need to solve complex problems.
The key to code generation using language models is clever prompt design. A prompt is an input that tells the model to perform a specific task, which causes the model to generate code tailored to the user's needs. By providing specific, unambiguous prompts, for example, “Write a function to calculate the sum of a list in Python” or “Create a header for a responsive website using HTML and CSS,” the model meets that requirement. You can effectively generate code that meets the requirements.
Let's say you actually try coding. Let's say we want to receive the latest news related to artificial intelligence in the form of Slack or instant messenger. Then you can give a command like this:
Retrieving the latest 10 news from Naver News search results is different from using a regular RSS feed. The Naver News search results page is not in RSS feed format, but consists of an HTML page. To extract data from these pages, you need to use web scraping.
Web scraping can be implemented in Python using libraries such as BeautifulSoup and requests. Below is an example code that retrieves the latest news from the Naver News search results page.
If you actually run it, you'll see that it works well. This question is just a question, but if you have more knowledge about coding or a better understanding of a specific service, you can ask the question in detail. Then we will be able to edit or write higher-level and more complex code.
Therefore, code generation using language models can be a very useful tool for developers, and is expected to play an increasingly important role in the field of software development in the future. A language model, with its ability to understand the programming language and the developer's intent, can greatly contribute to improving the speed and quality of code writing.
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