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πŸ“‰ Is it right to provide support in case of personal bankruptcy due to investment (coin, stock) failure?
The rate of people who previously filed for personal bankruptcy filing again is at an all-time high
The rate at which debtors who received a discharge after bankruptcy re-filed for bankruptcy also increased (re-bankruptcy).
The rate of personal bankruptcies has increased, which is due to the increased proportion of people filing for bankruptcy despite having no fixed income.
The percentage of personal bankruptcy applications is high among people in their 60s and 20s.
Bankruptcies due to investment failures are on the rise
There are many cases of one-time investment in coins or stocks.
The financial institutions' soundness management is also on high alert, and the Financial Supervisory Service is promoting its own debt adjustment.
Bills have been proposed to support economic recovery, but there are also concerns that it is appropriate to support investment failures.
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