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Even if you don’t know about artificial intelligence, you won’t fail, you won’t die, and you won’t get in big trouble.
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  • Haebom
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Recently, there are many people saying that the era of artificial intelligence is coming and that if you don't know artificial intelligence, you will fail, die, and be in danger. Is that really true? No! It's all nonsense. A friend of mine asked me about 0-week artificial intelligence expert courses, 00-hour AI marketing lectures, and I answered. Are those things that easy to obtain? Can you succeed with just a few dozen hours? Deep learning and artificial intelligence experts emphasize philosophy and fundamentals?
Andrew Ng, a leading educator in deep learning, emphasizes that it is important to accept AI as a useful tool in our daily lives rather than viewing it as a magical tool that will solve everything. When discussing the potential of AI, he emphasized that instead of excessive fear, we need to understand the technology and actively utilize it.
Andrew Ng says that the popularization of AI will make high-level knowledge accessible to more people. This means that more people will be able to solve more complex problems easily. He likened AI to the popularization of electricity, which will bring about major changes across society.
In fact, Professor Andrew Ng is making most of his lectures available for free on DeepLearning.AI , Courcera , etc. If you go, you will see the founder of Langchain teaching Langchain, and AI experts teaching AI and deep learning, etc. For free!
Sam Altman also emphasized that AI can benefit everyone, and argued that we should provide opportunities to create a better world through technology. He said that it is important to make AI accessible to more people, free from the monopoly of technology.
Both of these stories are stories I heard directly from them. Of course, there is a saying that " People who do not use AI will be replaced by people who use AI." This is similar to the saying that "People who do not drive a car arrive at their destination later than those who drive a car." It depends on the road conditions, situation, and destination. Sometimes public transportation arrives faster than private cars (taxi). I think that talking as if something big is going to happen to the world if you don't learn unconditionally is a huge social problem. Especially in Korea, where people live in a goal-oriented way, it's even more so. Then, without any goals, it's just the latest technology or service. People who learn the service and feel good about it end up like that.
One strategy that is often used, especially in AI-related education and marketing, is FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). It is a method of inducing people to purchase products or services by stimulating their fear of being left behind . However, this strategy can create unnecessary anxiety in people and instill a wrong perception of AI learning. We need to think more about how to utilize AI rather than learning it. Personally, I think this method itself creates a vicious cycle in which people feel like learning something more is a big deal and then blame themselves if they fail to utilize it later.
Indeed, Andrew Ng and Sam Altman, pioneers in the field of deep learning and artificial intelligence, say that when artificial intelligence becomes popular, anyone will be able to easily access higher-level knowledge. This means that the importance of basic studies and basic knowledge will increase. You won't die if you don't know about artificial intelligence tools. A farmer in the south of France who doesn't use electricity lives happily, and people who have never used the Internet live well.
Andrew Ng likened AI to a tool like electricity , emphasizing that it will bring about great changes to our lives, but it is not something to be feared in itself. Rather, he emphasized that we need to take advantage of it and take it as an opportunity. Rather than being dazzled by excessive marketing that stimulates FOMO, it is important to wisely prepare for and deal with the AI era. It is a time when we need to solidify our basic knowledge and have the wisdom to use AI as a tool to create a better future.
In the end, AI is also used by attaching it to existing services. Microsoft, Google, and Apple will do the same. If you don't know how to make existing services and just think that AI is the best, no coding needed, and basic academics are a waste of time, you may feel good in the short term, but it won't last long. Anyway, if a new model comes out and you change just a few methods, the prompt strategy will change, and better models will continue to come out. It's like the camera attached to a smart phone. (Surprisingly, there was a time when the image quality of a phone was the most important thing, even just a dozen years ago.)
Let's look at AI with a balanced perspective and utilize it without excessive fear. We will not fail or fall behind because we do not know AI. Everyone knows that it is important to be faithful to the basics and use it wisely, but I am writing this because I think that more people are spending money, time, and worries that they do not need to spend due to some ignorant people who promote fear.
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