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Will Threads end in failure like this?
Meta’s new social media app Threads had a historic launch on July 5, 2023, when it gained 10 million users in just seven hours after its launch. It became the most downloaded non-game app on its launch day, and has amassed over 100 million users. But just six weeks later, Threads is quickly fading, with daily active users plummeting from 50,000 in early July to just 10 million today. ( Source )
What caused the failure?
Design flaws and network effects: Threads failed to maintain its initial momentum, and the app's design flaws and large network effects reflect this.
Lack of features: There were no hashtags, search functions, or discovery pages, making it difficult for users to follow topics of interest.
Celebrities lose interest: After the initial hype, celebrities lose interest and content creators stop engaging.
Brand-Driven Content: Threads was dominated by brands and content managers, and lacked organic content.
It felt like it was collapsing, kind of like Korea's Me2Day, but in fact, it wasn't all ruined.
It's not over yet?!
Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged the decline in user numbers but remained optimistic, saying plans to add search and web features, as well as sharing features with Instagram.
Threads has the most daily active users in India, the US, and Brazil, with potential for growth in other markets.
What do you guys think?
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