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A common thread that comes back regularly: “These days, all logo designs are similar.”
According to an article in Creativebloq, the trend in logo design in recent years has been towards simplification and minimalism. This trend is said to be influenced by the small size of mobile screens and fashion, but developer Radek Sienkiewicz argues that this is not the case. He points out that brands tend to think that ‘uniqueness is a negative factor’ and try to be similar to other brands.
Key Points
Simplification and Minimalism Trends: Recent logo designs favor simple and flat designs.
Safe choice for brands: Brands avoid unique designs to save costs and make safe choices.
Homogenization of design: It is argued that diversity is disappearing as brands tend to prefer similarity over uniqueness.
Things to think about
Is Simplifying Your Design Really Necessary?: With mobile screens getting larger and higher in resolution, is simplifying your logo really a necessary option?
Loss of Brand Uniqueness: What are the negative impacts when a brand loses its uniqueness?
How can we maintain diversity in design?: How can we maintain diversity in design when brands tend to play it safe?
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