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Recommended book ‘Plato and the Nerd’
This is a book I read in 2019. I didn't know it was still untranslated, but there is no translated version in Korea. I'm mentioning it because it was recommended on Hacker News. It seems like a book that would sell well in this day and age, so it would be great if the publisher translated it. This book is largely divided into three parts, and overall, it proposes the concept of 'creative partnership'. This is explained as collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence (big data). It presents the outlook that as digital technology rapidly develops and becomes more deeply embedded in human life, the relationship between humans and technology will become more complex and diverse.
Rough summary
Creative Partnerships between Humans and Technology: Focuses on how digital technologies expand human imagination and how humans interact to advance technology.
The main argument of this book is that the development of digital technology is no longer limited by physical constraints, but is driven by human creativity and imagination. From this perspective, digital technology can be seen not as a simple tool, but as a partner that enhances human creativity.
The importance of interaction: The book explains that technology does not simply replace humans, but rather works in a way that extends and complements human capabilities. This interaction plays a big role in how humans and technology develop each other.
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