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In the age of longevity, how to control the speed of aging taught by a professor of geriatric medicine
Ages when rapid aging begins: 34, 60, 78
① Age 34: Weight gain, metabolic disease
② Age 60: Cardiovascular disease
③ 78 years old: Cognitive decline, weight loss
Things to do at each age for anti-aging
① Ages 34~59: Lose weight, reduce hypermetabolism, and do a lot of aerobic exercise
② Age 60~: Strength training, weight gain, high protein intake
Why people in their 30s and 40s are aging faster these days
1. Bad eating habits
Ultra-processed foods (ramen, snacks, carbonated drinks, fast food, etc.)
Animal fat (beef, pork fat)
Sugar (sugar, syrup)
2. Reduced physical activity
3. These days, 50% of men in their 30s and 40s are obese, and 50% of women are skinny fat.
Birth, aging, illness, and death are old things. These days, birth, aging, illness, and death are the new things .
Minimizing elderly care depends on your own efforts.
Lifestyle factors that greatly affect the speed of aging
Exercise, nutrition, alcohol, cigarettes, stress, sleep
If you can control your alcohol intake to one glass, it can actually be a means of relieving stress.
Excessive smartphone use
Initially, dopamine release occurs, but with prolonged use, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders (chronic stress state) occur.
As attention spans become shorter, ADHD brains become more susceptible to attention deficit disorder.
The most powerful anti-aging agent = good diet
Sugar is most closely related to aging.
The total amount of insulin produced by the pancreas over a lifetime is proportional to the degree of biological aging.
Excess carbohydrates, simple sugars (sugar, syrups), and refined grains (white rice, flour) accelerate the aging process.
Bad foods: simple sugars, refined grains → bread, flour, etc.
Worse foods: simple sugars, refined grains
Sweet carbonated drinks (cola, cider, etc.) and juices are not good because they quickly raise blood sugar levels.
Millet powder, detox juice: helps to absorb refined carbohydrates that raise blood sugar levels quickly
Anti-aging recommended foods
Lentils, vegetables, nuts, blueberries, brown rice, oats
Aging Myths Fact Check
From the age of 40, height decreases by 1cm per 10 years. → Fact . The lower your bone density and the less muscle you have, the faster you become shorter.
Strenuous exercise causes aging. → False.
If you live without thinking about your age, you can live younger. → Fact.
People who feel lonely easily age faster. → Fact.
Anti-aging related supplements → False, consumers seem to confuse it with antioxidants
One-line summary: If you eat less carbohydrates, less sugar, don't get stressed, don't get addicted to dopamine, sleep well, and exercise regularly, you won't age.
Things I already knew but found difficult to do...
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