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The 7 levels of intimacy by Matthew Kelly
The seven levels of intimacy from the book <The 7 Levels of Intimacy> by Matthew Kelly, a self-development expert from Australia.
Matthew Kelly has been giving self-improvement and motivational lectures since 1993.
At the time, he was 19 years old, and he founded the Matthew Kelly Foundation and began his activities.
Now, he is living happily, giving lectures and publishing books, feeling like a pioneer in the self-development world.
Although he doesn't have any related degrees or papers, he is truly close to being a thinker. If you look up lectures, he has insight and his own philosophy.
The concept of intimacy felt by humans is explained in 7 stages. The higher the number, the deeper the relationship.
Usually, levels 1 to 4 are the intimacy felt at work, etc.
Stages 5-7 are the intimacy you feel toward friends, family, or lovers.
A step-by-step distinction that can be useful in marketing and sales → Of course, there is no absolute.
As the subtitle of the book suggests, love is the theme. When you fall in love, this stage actually has no meaning.
A good example to think about how to move to the next level or to think about human relationships.
A relationship where you can have casual conversations, ask each other how we are doing, and have casual conversations
Information Exchange (Facts)
We know each other's personal information to some extent and talk about news and facts.
Exchange of opinions
A relationship where you can express each other's thoughts and understand commonalities, differences, and conflicts.
Shared Vision (Hopes & Dreams)
Let go of immediate satisfaction and look to the future based on hopes and dreams and build trustworthy relationships.
Emotional connection (Feelings)
A relationship where we share each other's feelings, are considerate, and empathize with each other.
Sharing Fear, Failure, Weaknesses
A relationship where we share each other's flaws, past, and failures, forgive each other, and protect each other.
Unconditional help (Needs)
We are in a relationship where we first know what each other needs and help each other, without expecting anything in return.
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